Friday 20 April 2018

Five easy tips to treat every day like Earth Day

JUSTJUNK offers everyday ideas to improve your environmental footprint
With Earth Day on the horizon, schools and organizations across the country are busily planning activities to benefit the environment — there will be tree planting ceremonies, park clean-ups and organized nature hikes to mark the big day on April 22nd.
And while these larger-scale events are great ways to bring people together on a common cause, there are plenty of simple eco-friendly things we call all do on a daily basis to help make the world a greener place.
“I think people are starting to become more aware of how impactful their environmental footprint is,” says Mike Thorne, President of JUSTJUNK. “Even something that may seem so small like composting or donating your old furniture can genuinely work to make a larger positive impact on the world around us.”
So with Earth Day in mind, here are five quick and easy tips from JUSTJUNK to make your environmental footprint a little lighter:

1. Remember your three R’s
  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! These are the three R’s that can help make being eco-conscious everyday easy. Use water filters and reusable water containers instead of plastic water bottles. Find reusable alternatives to frequently disposed of items such as diapers and grocery bags. Try to reduce the amount of packaged goods that you purchase and make sure that you recycle properly.
2. Your spring cleaning can help others
  • If you are itching get rid of items such as furniture that you may not want, know that it can be put to good use. JUSTJUNK donates salvageable furniture to local furniture banks in order to help reduce waste and help those who are in need. So, before you throw your couch to the curb, remember that it could be used in someone else’s home.
3. Know that you have resources
  • If you are unsure about how to dispose of larger items such as hot tubs, appliances or exercise equipment, know that you have resources available to help you make the most eco-conscious decision. Look to local community swap groups to see if you can exchange something for an item that you may need.
4. Composting
  • Refresh yourself on what is considered compostable. Items such as food leftovers, fruit and vegetable peelings, cat litter, coffee grounds and filters, egg shells and even wood chips may be considered compostable dependent on your area. Check with your local waste management provider for which household materials they pickup as compost.
5. Grass-cycling programs
  • Did you know that you can use old grass clippings as mulch? If you are in need of a little landscape refresher, your old grass clippings can be used to enrich your soil and make your garden very happy.
By being more eco-conscious and making small changes to our recycling habits, we can help both ourselves and our environment. 
With franchises across the country, JUSTJUNK removes unwanted materials/items from residential and commercial properties including furniture, appliances, garden refuse and construction and demolition debris.
JUSTJUNK crews help ensure as much of the material they collect as possible is recycled or donated to charitable organizations for re-use, helping to divert waste from landfills.
JUSTJUNK removes junk and unwanted materials/items from residential and commercial properties including furniture, appliances, garden refuse and construction and demolition debris. The pricing rates include all labour, loading of the materials from anywhere on the property, clean up and all disposal or recycling fees. Customers are provided with an up-front, written estimate before any work begins.
To learn more, please visit:

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