Couples like to celebrate things together. From birthdays to national holidays, they see it as a perfect opportunity to spend time with each other and strengthen their love. However, one date is definitely more special than all others and that is their anniversary.
Depending on the budget and circumstances, there are many anniversary ideas out there that will bring you closer together. One can be free to say, that there is always a way if you have the will and means to make it so. Therefore, if you lack ideas, try some of the following ones and make your anniversary a very special day for you and your partner.
Make a Mixed CD
Making mixed music for the person you like was a common thing back in high school. But even today, it’s a perfect romantic gesture that will express the feelings you have for each other. A few decades ago, it was the mixed tape, and today it’s a CD with all the songs that mean something to you.
You can even create a booklet explaining each song and why you put it there. Or you can let lyrics speak for themselves. Some songs will certainly have special meaning while others will gain one.
Do something new
There is certainly something you wanted to do as a couple for a while now but didn’t find the time before. To celebrate your anniversary, have champagne in a hot air balloon overlooking the amazing landscapes below and riding into the sunset. Or do something more exciting, like bungee jumping or go cave kayaking in Thailand.
However, it doesn’t have to be something so extreme and even a trip to a destination you always talked about visiting will suffice. Just plan ahead to get days off from work and to organize everything to be perfect. Doing something new together will be another wonderful thing to fondly remember and retell your friends.
Have a party
While celebrating your anniversary privately is the usual way it goes, some couples like to include their friends and family. After a romantic dinner, you may go back home and celebrate this special day with all other people in your life that mean a lot to you. But what will make this party different from any other is making a video where people send messages to you.
Another way to celebrate your anniversary with the party is by renewing your vows. You can do this in the company of a minister or priest, or just by yourselves. This will be the perfect way to send the message of love to each other and share it with everyone else special in your life.
Put extra effort into gifts
Traditionally, each anniversary has a designated type of gift. Thus, the first year is paper, second is cotton, the tenth is aluminium and so on. But there is also a modern take on this anniversary gift giving. Based on which the first anniversary is a clock, second is china and tenth is diamond jewellery.
Nonetheless, you can use the number of years you are celebrating to give an equal amount of gifts. Anniversary gifts should say that your partner is special to you, and thus the gift needs to be something that symbolizes that. You can buy something that you’ve been saving for a while and go to great lengths to find a unique item that your partner wanted for a long time.
Dedicate the day to each other
We live in a busy world where time is a commodity for many. So the best way to celebrate your love would actually be to spend that anniversary day together. You can do this any way you both see fit, there isn’t a formula that says which is the right way.
Therefore, if you decide to stay at home and have takeout, it’s fine. If you want to go to museums or the opera, that is okay too. It’s up to you both to decide which is the perfect way to celebrate your relationship and be closer to each other.
Write each other a letter
Although people in a relationship need to show their feelings for each other, not all do it the same way. However, words have always been the most usual and efficient way to truly tell someone how you feel. Therefore, use the words to do just that and write each other letters you will read on the day of your anniversary.
This is something that will be a lasting gift you can revisit whenever you want but will also help you express your feelings in the simplest way. Texts may be easier, but they don’t carry the emotions the way handwritten letters do.
Lavish flower delivery
When it comes to flowers, they are easy to send to anyone anywhere today. The gesture is all that counts in the end when you are unable to attend your anniversary personally. You can have flower delivery in Melbourne from New York or choose the most exotic blooms if you can afford them.
Alternatively, start off with sending one flower each day as the anniversary date moves closer. Include some romantic message with the blossom, one you personally wrote from the heart would be best.
Recreate the first date
Some couples had special first dates they cherish and like to tell others about. To honour your relationship, especially if it’s a special type of anniversary, relive that moment once again. Don’t be discouraged if the restaurant is not there anymore, or you have to travel to a foreign country for this.
Instead, use that to go on a couple of days of vacation together and be alone, or be creative with the dinner. Recreate the restaurant setting as much as you can at your home, and prepare the meals you had on your first date. This will surely amaze your partner and give you both a night to remember, again.
Every relationship requires work no matter how effortless it may seem from the outside. These anniversary ideas will help you bring you closer together and remind you of the love you share. But also, they will help you rekindle the flame and stop for a while to admire how special that other person. As well as the time you spend together.
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