Saturday 14 September 2013

DIY Free Fall Decor!

I love to decorate for all the different seasons. It really helps me to get in the mood and enjoy it. But decorating can be expensive. And when your living on a very small budget (and still learning how to use it wisely) it can be very difficult and sometimes very sad. So here is what you need to do, put a smile on your face and realize how crafty you can be when you put your mind to it! The painting on the wall is from my melted crayon art I did a few weeks ago, in fall colors. I simply painted on a nice little leafless tree and voila a nice piece of art. But I noticed it still looked bare in that corner of my kitchen. I always like those big vases with really nice long decorative branches and sticks hanging out of them but they are like 20.00 just for the branches. Like that's ever gonna happen! So I thought since its fall and I have a leafless tree portrait why not make a decorative branch display of my own? 

You will need:

  • white paper
  • paint in fall colors (red,yellow,orange)
  • bare sticks or branches
  • sponges
  • scissors
  • tape or glue

Use sponges to and paint your white paper in layers of fall colors. Let it dry, then cut leaf shapes out of your pretty paper and either glue them or tape them to your sticks/branches. Place them in a vase or container and that's it! I only made a small display but you can scale this to be as large as you like, heck build an entire tree if you want. 

I think it brightens up my kitchen and really brings the fall decor into my home and it cost me absolutely nothing!

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