Wednesday 11 March 2015

Getting a Product Off The Ground

My son does not like reading. When he has trouble with a word he gets frustrated and wants to quit, even with lots of positive reinforcement. He is 6 and in grade 1. I have been looking into all these websites that are supposed to be helping your child learn to read and yes some of them look great and probably do help, but I want to be involved more then just plopping my son at a computer and letting him learn on his own. I also don't want him glued to a screen. I am a huge advocate of getting out and being active with your kids. So what can I do to create a get up and go reading tool?

All I can tell you is that I have figured out a way to keep my son engaged in reading, happy to read, and getting him moving all while keeping myself very involved in the process. This application can be used at every age and kids get excited to do it. I am in the process of creating a product and cannot wait to make it readily available to the public! Not only will it involve reading but general life skills.

There are lots of different things I am working on at the moment, prototypes, patent search, as well as product testing. To try and turn your dream into reality there are tons of things that need to be considered. Here are a few articles I have been reading to help me through the process!

Luckily for me my product is helpful, affordable, expandable, and very useful! I can't wait to get some samples ready for you!

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