Wednesday 22 February 2017

The Advantages of Making Your Own Baby Food

Frugal moms around the world all know the ridiculous costs of baby food. Formulas will cost you around $60 to $100 per month assuming you don’t breastfeed, food can be upwards of $100 per month depending on the brands of baby food you buy your child, and these costs are compounded by the amount of variety and lack of sales on baby food. Let’s face it, we can’t really buy these products in bulk if they are never on sale!

So that’s why many moms around the world have turned to making their own baby food. Why? Isn’t it difficult? Doesn’t it cost more money? Absolutely not! In fact, it’s far cheaper, easier and healthier than you could ever imagine.


You’re not cooking up a gourmet meal for your baby in order to make baby food. You’re simply boiling some fruits or vegetables then mashing them up or blending it into a paste for your child to eat. You don’t add spices, seasonings or any special mixes. It’s so easy that even if you aren’t very good at cooking, you’ll be able to cook up food for your baby that they will eat up and gain the right nutrients from—babies don’t make a fuss about what they eat.


Buying a few vegetables and fruits is going to be far cheaper than jars of baby food that contain preservatives, chemicals and other artificial nasty things that you don’t want to feed to your baby. You also don’t need to go out of your way to visit the baby section of a supermarket. Sweet potatoes, cucumbers and bananas are all things that you and your baby can both eat—you just have to prepare it differently.


Since you’re using your own ingredients, you can actually make baby food healthier by using organic produce instead of using produce that was bulk-farmed with pesticides and other chemicals. You can learn all you need to know about organic baby food on the internet. There are many advantages and very few disadvantages that you should be concerned about.


It doesn’t take long to cook up a meal for your baby and you can always store extras in small jars or pots to feed to your baby whenever they are hungry. This means you can bulk-buy lots of vegetables, mash and puree them then store them away for later use. This makes it easier for you to prepare food for your baby and you don’t need to worry about running out of baby food and running down to the store to buy more.

Something to talk about

If you’ve got your sights set on becoming the next big momma blogger then making your own baby food is yet another great topic to talk about. You can speak to your friends about it, suggest ideas to your friends who are going to be mothers in the future, or even just share your tips and tricks with people on the internet via your blog. Mothers are always looking for new ways to take care of their children, and by offering them advice on home-cooked baby food, you’ll get an audience faster than you might think.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your suggestions. I will surely forward it to my friend, who is going to become a MOM super soon.
