Tuesday 29 May 2018

Maternally Challenged

Moms, if you think your life is going to be perfect, I've got news: It's not happening. This book details the many curveballs life has thrown my way. - Wise words from Maternally Challenged: How My Special Needs Son Taught Me to Sack Up & Laugh by Kathy Chlan, who also runs the popular blog Unfiltered Mom.

Kathy knows first hand that the only thing you can expect when you’re expecting is, well, the unexpected. 25 years ago she gave birth to her first son, who would be diagnosed with developmental and learning disabilities by the age of two. She has since helped thousands of moms who are also “parenting by the seat of their pants” navigate the chaos of raising kids, and the challenges and joys that come with raising one with special needs. 

“As a mother of two sons, including one with a special needs, I know what it’s like to have a family that doesn’t fit the mold,” says Chlan. “But all mothers face adversities in life. My response? Laugh through it all!”

This message is at the foundation of Maternally Challenged. Serving as encouragement to mothers of all walks of life who are just trying to make it to bedtime, Maternally Challenged will help readers find that they’re not alone in dealing with family dysfunction and everyday parenting drudgery. Rooted in Chlan's guidance are methods to re-contextualize daily troubles for a new outlook on parenthood and life — and even start laughing through adversity.

Through heartwarming and hilarious personal accounts, in Maternally Challenged, Chlan touches upon topics including:
-Steps you can take when life throws you a series of unexpected curveballs
-How to stop dwelling on your mistakes and find time to appreciate life’s little victories
-How to teach your special needs child that using disability as a crutch is never an option
-How to put terrible days and tantrums into greater perspective
-And much, much more!
More on Kathy at www.unfilteredmom.com,

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