Tuesday 26 November 2019

7 Tricks to Save Money When Moving to Your Family to Minneapolis

If you are planning to move to the Twin Cities any time soon, it is important to consider the timing of your move very closely. Minneapolis is known for its harsh winter weather. Therefore, if you are planning to move your family to anywhere in this area, you need to choose the months of June, July, and August. Once you have made this decision, you can begin to make the rest of your plan. Here are 7 tricks to help you save money on moving your family.

1. Consider Driving The Truck When You Rent

Saving money on your move takes a little extra effort, research and time but it is all well worth it in the long run. You need to know every aspect of the move that you make in order to make informed decisions. For instance, taking the traditional routes with your plans can be a huge mistake and a financial burden that you completely avoid if you know how to choose viable alternatives. One of the biggest cost savings during a long distance move to the Twin Cities is the transportation that you use. Usually, hiring a moving truck for the transport means paying drivers to carry your furniture and other personal belongings across the country. However, if you want to save on this cost, talk to the Suddath Minneapolis local movers about renting the truck but putting your name down as your own long distance driver.

2. Throw a Packing Party

To be creative in everything that you do, you need to see if there are some alternatives to minimize the cost of the move in every area. With a true commitment to tighten the money belt, you can even make these tricks to the trade fun and enjoyable. For instance, throw your family and friends a packing party. With a little pizza, soft drinks, chips, ice cream and a full night of music, you can have everything packed and ready to go on time before the movers arrive.

3. Don't Pay for Boxes- Get Free Boxes

Keep your eyes on the amount that you spend on buying supplies, too. You can also be creative in eliminating the expenses of buying tons of boxes. Instead, you can search for free boxes from a variety of sources. Here are just a few suggestions that can assist you in creating your own list of resources.


● Warehouse clubs
● Liquor stores
● Other retailers
● Craigslist
● Friends
● Family

4. Shop Around for the Best Moving Quotes

Even though you may have a specific moving company in mind and the rates are good, you should still shop around. For instance, you may find that some companies will also offer discounts to you. If you are a member of the military, AAA and other organizations, you can save on the cost of the entire moving expenses.

5. Make Money for the Move Before You Leave

Since moving can be expensive, you can also find ways to reduce the cost that you pay. One of the best ways is to sell items in your home that you do not want to take with you. In some cases, these items may cost more to move than the present value. In these situations, you can sell these items for money before the day of the move.

6. Relocation Cost - Cover by Your Company

When you are relocating to the Twin Cities because of your job, you should talk to your company about covering the cost. Based on the policy of the company, you may receive a lump sum in advance to pay for everything.

7. Don't forget to save your receipts

Moving is an expense that you can use on your taxes too. So, save all the receipts to reduce your tax burden.



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