Wednesday 3 June 2020

National Pollinators Month: Plant It for the Planet – Choose Flowering Plants for Pollinators

The family yard is now the safe outdoor space to relax, play and de-stress, especially during these challenging times when so many are sheltering at home. The TurfMutt Foundation reminds families that nature starts right outside your back door – and one way to help nature is to make sure your yard supports our very-important pollinators. The TurfMutt Foundation has developed an infographic on planting for pollinators.

Plant It for the Planet June is National Pollinators Month and June 22-28 is designated as “National Pollinator Week.” Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S Department of the Interior, Pollinator Week is a great opportunity to encourage people to do more in their backyards to support pollinators.

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