Tuesday 5 January 2021

4 Ways to Make the Things Around Your Home Last Longer

One of the best ways to save money is to avoid having to buy new products in the first place by getting the most bang for your buck with items you already own. Here are a few tips you can use to help extend the life of the things in your home from appliances to wood cabinets.

1. Invest in furniture that's made to last

You don't need to spend a fortune on expensive furniture to find quality furniture for your home. You just need to know what kinds of furniture to look for. Whether you're perusing Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace or the clearance section on Wayfair, it's good to know what materials and finishes to avoid. Avoid furniture pieces that are made with laminate cardboard or softwood, which are typically used for low-end pieces that aren't designed to last. The style of craftsmanship can also give you an idea of how long a piece will last. Amish furniture, for instance, is 100% hand-crafted and made from quality, solid wood that will last decades.

2. Maintain your appliances

Your appliances need a little love and care to keep them running efficiently. Small problems that go undetected and build up over time until they become major issues that require either an expensive repair from a professional or a replacement. For example, your water heater needs to be flushed at least once a year to avoid scale build-up and other issues that can drain the life from your water heater. This is true of water heaters that run on solar energy, too, which accounts for 1.8% of total U.S. electricity generation. Make sure to check the owner's manual of your appliances to get an accurate idea of when they should be serviced.

3. Touch things up rather than replace

You don't always need to replace things that get a little dinged up. For instance, if you have bad scratches on a wooden coffee table or your wooden cabinets, you can use a wood touch-up pen to fill in those scratches so it's like they never existed. You can use touch-up pens on wood floors, too, so you can save on refinishing.

4. Waterproof your basement and storage areas

Many people use their basements as their storage space. Unfortunately, basement flooding can occur at any time. In fact, approximately 20% of all insurance claims are related to water damage. The good news is that you can reduce the risk of water damage in your basement by waterproofing it. Waterproofing involves applying a masonry waterproofing product on the interior of your basement walls and using waterproof paint, and there are companies who can offer a specialist Waterproofing service in Telford, PA and other locations closer to you. Consider keeping belongings that are especially susceptible to water damage out of your basement and stored somewhere safe and dry.

The less often you have to replace items around your home, the more money you'll save. By following the tips above, you can do your best to keep the items in your home working as long as possible so you can worry less about your budget.

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