Monday 3 May 2021

Why You’re Always Feeling Tired


Did you know that around one-third of all teens, adults and seniors feel tired all the time? It’s not an unusual thing, and you may be one of these people. The problem is that feeling fatigued is a symptom of a number of different illnesses and serious conditions, so it’s always worth speaking to your doctor if you are one of these sufferers. 


Most of the time, however, it’s not a condition that is causing the tiredness. Instead, it’s your lifestyle. We need to take such good care of our bodies, and if we don’t, they tend to let us know in a variety of different ways. The good news is that fixing this exhaustion problem is usually very easy. Read on to find out why you’re always feeling tired, and then you’ll know just what to do to ensure you feel better going forward. 


Living A Sedentary Lifestyle 

It’s strange to think that living a sedentary, inactive life could be the reason why you’re so tired all the time. You might assume that it would be a lot of activity and exercise that is making you feel so tired, it’s often the other way around, and to make things worse, feeling so tired means that many people don’t exercise regularly – they’re just too fatigued to do it. 


Being inactive will often make you more tired than running about and doing a lot because the heart is not working as hard as it could and should be. This means that less oxygen is being taken around the body, and therefore the organs and brain have to shut down to a level that can cope with the amount of oxygen you have to use. Tiredness is the result. To make yourself feel more awake, make sure you exercise every day. Your body will start to use more oxygen, and you’ll feel less fatigued. 


Not Getting Enough Quality Sleep 

It makes sense that not getting enough sleep would mean you’re always feeling tired, but it’s less about the amount of sleep you get and more about the quality of that sleep. If the sleep is good quality, you can have much less of it and still feel great the next day. When you have slept well, you’ll feel energized and refreshed, and it really will make a huge difference in your life. 


Quality sleeps means that your brain has gone through all five stages of the sleep cycle and released the right hormones to repair and refresh your body. To get the quality sleep, you should be physically active during the day, have a good sleep schedule and a routine that means you go to bed at the same time each day, and, if needed, nap during the day. If you are still having trouble sleeping, make an appointment to see your doctorlow testosterone test is also a good idea since this could be a reason for lack of sleep. 


Food Sensitivities 

Most of the time, the symptoms of any food intolerances that you might have will be obvious ones. They will consist of:

• Stomach pains and cramps or other digestive problems
• Hives 
• Headaches
• Rashes 
• Runny nose and sneezing


However, fatigue is another symptom of having a food intolerance, even though it is often overlooked. Some of the most common food intolerances include dairy, gluten, soy, and eggs, but there are many more, and it could be that the reason you’re so tired is that you have an allergy and don’t know about it. Some tests can be done to ascertain whether this is the case. You can then work with a dietician to help you stay healthy while cutting out the things that are making you sick. 


Inadequate Hydration 

When you are well hydrated, you will have much better energy levels, and as we’ve already seen, that means you will be more able to carry out regular exercise and therefore sleep better. Most people are dehydrated in some way, and many are chronically dehydrated, meaning that they are so used to managing without enough water that they no longer feel unwell because of it. This is a dangerous state to be in and can lead to all kinds of problems, including fatigue. 


The received wisdom is that you need to drink eight 8 oz glasses of water every day, but this is only an average, and you might need more or less depending on a variety of different factors such as your age, general level of activity, gender, and weight.

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