Thursday 14 July 2022

Five ways to keep the kids active this Summer

Once again, we find ourselves at the beginning of the annual summer vacation, eight whole weeks of finding entertainment for the kids without breaking the bank.  It can be tempting to relinquish parenting solely to the consoles or TV to fill this gaping space, but as Statistics show that childhood obesity in America is still far too high, maybe some of that free time could be better spent outdoors and keeping active.


Whether it’s the local community pool or the sea, if you’re lucky enough to live near the coast, swimming is an incredibly beneficial way for the kids (and you!) to stay healthy and active.  It is a low-impact method of exercising, meaning it is accessible where other sports may not be.  There are also several studies that show the benefits of swimming are not just contained to physical – it also improves mental well-being too!


There is a whole world of hidden treasures ready to find, often on your own doorstep!  Grab a hamper and stock it with drinks and food, and spend the entire day exploring the countryside that surrounds you, either on foot or for the older ones, on a classically European scooter from  From mysterious woods to panoramic views of the coastline, it’ll feel like you’re discovering brand new places that no one else has been to.


Tennis is a game often synonymous with country clubs.  But it doesn’t have to be.  With rules that are simple enough for younger ones to grasp and the only equipment needed a couple of rackets (that can often be picked up secondhand!) and some tennis balls, this is a fantastic way to involve the whole family in the fun while improving everybody’s fitness levels to boot!


For another fantastic way to access the great outdoors is family bike rides.  Many states have some absolutely breathtaking scenery in their many national parks, with proper trails marked out that allow all family members to take part without exception.  As many of the national parks are huge, a great way to make the most of your time there is to set up tents on one of the many designated camping grounds and take a different trail each day to explore.

Use the free facilities in your area

You do not have to spend a fortune on keeping your kids active this Summer.  From playgrounds to splash zones, many local authorities are spending even more of their budget on the upkeep of the facilities that are designed to be accessible to all.  Whether they’re swinging from the monkey bars or racing around on the scooter track, your child’s health and fitness will be improving every minute they’re having fun!

There are lots of ways you can encourage your children to be active over the Summer without having to spend a fortune.  From exploring mystical forests to keeping cool in the water, every second that they spend outdoors is a positive step towards a healthier and happier life.    

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