Thursday 1 September 2022

Common vision concerns to look out for as you age

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, women are at a higher risk of suffering from sight-threatening diseases than men. 


Our lifestyle is the main contributor to low-vision or eye-related problems. These also include eating habits and exposure to digital devices. Hundreds of issues can concern your vision, from blurred sight to blindness. 


Amongst the leading causes of vision loss in America are age-related conditions such as AMD, diabetic retinopathy, and more. It is common for women to neglect their eye-health in the hue of fulfilling their familial duties.


This article mentions common eye problems that women must watch out for as they age. Let's learn about them in detail. 


1. Cataracts 


Gone are the days when cataracts were only for the aged. Today, even females in their 30s can have cataracts. It can be caused because of certain medications and lifestyles.


You should be more careful about diabetes since it increases the risk. There are several rounds of testing to diagnose cataracts. If the doctors find that Cataracts are harming the vision, they suggest surgery to remove them. 


Thus, it is recommended to visit a doctor if you witness any of the following symptoms: 


● Blurred or dim vision
● Sensitivity to glare
● Seeing halos around light 
● Fading of colors
● Reduced night vision
● Frequent changes in eye-glasses vision and more. 


The longer you allow the symptoms to stay, the more dangerous it will be for you; it can lead to loss of vision, reduce job performance, and affect your daily chores. 


2. Glaucoma 


Another eye condition that you should be careful of is glaucoma. It damages the optic nerve and is among the second leading causes of blindness in the United States. 


Typically, women are four times more at risk of experiencing closed-angle glaucoma. It is more harmful than the open-angle disease. Diagnosing it at the early stages is critical to prevent loss of sight. 


Some of the early signs of glaucoma include: 


● Intense eye pain
● Nausea or vomiting
● Tenderness around the eyes
● Blurred vision
● Seeing lights and rings 
● Persistent headache
● Loss of side vision and more. 



3. Macular degeneration


This eye condition attacks the retina's center and damages fine-detail vision. Women live longer than men; hence, it affects them more. 


There is no specific cause of macular degeneration, but genetics can contribute significantly. You should focus on eating low-fat meals and working out for a minimum of 30 minutes daily to reduce the risk of this sight-threatening disease. 


Visit the nearest eye specialist if you have any of the following symptoms: 


● Visual distortion
● Reduced central sight in one or both eyes
● Dificcuting adapting to low light 
● The blurriness of printed words
● Well-defined spot in the field of vision
● Decreased intensity of bright colors. 


It can affect one or both eyes simultaneously or at different times. Typically, dry macular degeneration is more common and progresses over the years. But, the wet type is also persistent in many people and causes a sudden vision change. 



Final words 


You must not ignore these symptoms for yourself in the hustle and bustle of managing your work and family. Just as you start to care for your skin, hair, and bone health, you must also focus on your eye health.


Healthcare experts suggest not using any self-medication to cure even the slightest issues in the eyes. It could result in significant vision issues that restrict your daily activities. 


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