Thursday 16 February 2023

5 Tips for Planning a Successful Home Remodel

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Every house requires remodeling after some time has passed. The wear and tear and the old home style call for repair, fresh paint, and a new interior. Some smart strategies and trending designs can make your house look brand new, spacious, and more comfortable.

Whether you are planning a full home remodel or going for a part of it, it can get hectic. Even selecting new kitchen cabinets takes a lot of work. You must ensure the practical aspect and the beautification of the kitchen space. Similarly, the needs and preferences of different household members may vary. It is essential to be on the same page so everyone can feel at home with the remodeling.

In Sacramento, California, the bay area, for example, the real estate prices and cost of living make home remodeling much easier. Moreover, construction cost in Sacramento is also lower than most of the cities in the coastal areas.

Therefore, if you are planning home remodels in Sacramento, there are many ways you can optimize your living space.

1.     Remodel Your Exterior

Most homeowners focus more on the interior than the exterior. It is better to go for the exterior remodeling before you start working on the interior. It is because your house's first impression reflects in outer space. Your exterior remodeling can include landscaping, fixing the roof, getting fresh paint, and paving the concrete and the garage. 

You can look up concrete services Sacramento CA, especially if you face landscaping issues during snowy weather and have trouble with the upkeep of your garden. You must take care of your garden even during the severe winter season. 

Plants can enhance your home exterior and make it look more appealing. It is a simple yet productive approach to remodeling your exterior at a lesser cost. You can also grow vegetation and fruits simultaneously to supply fresh produce. 

2.     Get the Required Permits

Before beginning any construction work on your property, you must obtain building permits. These are necessary to ensure that your house remodel meets the fire safety and structural requirements. In Sacramento, you need a building permit to remodel your home, add tenant spaces, build a swimming pool or spa, and undergo mechanical, plumbing, or electrical modifications. 

You may have to pay a fine if you begin construction before issuing permits. Moreover, the city officials reserve the right to tear down part of the construction that is non-compliant with the city building code. It can get very costly and time-consuming, especially if you intend to sell the house. Therefore, get all your required permits and inspections beforehand.

In that regard, it's wise to consider taking help from construction consultants like the ones at bygglov uppsala, or a similar firm nearby. They can offer services that can guide you through the process of creating appropriate building permit drawings and obtaining the necessary permits. Their expertise can be invaluable, whether you're working on a simple extension conversion or a larger project. Taking their help and getting the proper permits and approvals upfront can save you a significant amount of time and money in the long run.

Moreover, you can also schedule an online inspection to ensure you are not violating building codes. Licensed contractors in California can also do this. Moreover, it is better to review your plan with the city inspectors. You can also submit it online and get approval. It makes the process a lot smoother.

3.     Do Your Research and Plan Ahead

Home remodeling is mostly all about planning and paying attention to detail. The actual construction is a headache for the contractors. You need to establish a thorough plan, shop for supplies, hardware, fixtures, and fittings, plan a budget, and create a blueprint to visualize your goal. 

Chatting with homeowners who have undergone construction and home remodeling projects is better. They can provide valuable insights, such as learning about hardware material prices and quality. Picking quality parts will ensure superior quality and durable repairs. This information is also useful when selecting the right contractor. You can ask them about the material quality and draw a cost comparison to market prices. 

Another important aspect of planning is timing. For example, if you plan to start a family in the coming years, now would be the best time to build a nursery and the kids' bedrooms. Alternatively, if you already have kids, make sure that you plan the remodeling during their school holidays or plan to relocate temporarily. It will minimize routine disturbance during construction. 

4.     Declutter

Before having any construction workers over, declutter your house as much as possible. Pack your movables into a storage unit to protect and get them out of the way. Anything that is not a part of the construction project must disappear.

Alternatively, if you are only going for part of the house's renovation, you may keep the rest of the rooms and their stuff intact. For example, if your bedroom is unaffected by the remodel, you do not need to declutter it.

Decluttering is important, especially if you plan for a major remodel. Moving furniture out of the way will also help you visualize the design structure better. If you plan to restructure by combining the kitchen and the dining room, it would mean tearing down walls and building new ones. This will likely create a lot of waste, so be prepared to hire services offering Rubbish Removals Clayton (or wherever you are) to ensure the waste is disposed of quickly. The last thing you want is for piles of waste to build up and get in the way. You will only experience damage to items if you fail to declutter properly, so make sure your valuables are put away in a place unaffected by the project.

5.     Make a Master List

Planning a home remodel involves many things. It can be difficult to remember everything and pay attention to detail. To make the process easier and relieve construction stress, make a master list and distribute the tasks into categories. Make separate categories for permits, tools, supplies, and a list of things to do.

It is helpful to divide the list into things you have and need. It is also helpful in optimizing your costs and planning your budget. It will also help you decide which tools of what quality you need to buy.

You can then share your lists with your contractor and establish a sound plan.

It is better to prioritize your lists according to the most urgent tasks. For example, if your roof is leaking or you have broken water pipes, it is better to fix them before they cause any more damage. Similarly, if your bedroom is a construction-free zone, but the attached bathroom has a clogged drain, it may be better to get that out of the way so that you can focus on the bigger tasks.


A successful home remodels on sound planning, strategizing, and selecting the right tools and contractor. It is better to begin exterior remodeling to improve your house's outlook. Landscaping could be a better way to enhance the exterior of your home.

Moreover, you must get the required permits before construction to avoid future hassle. Establish clear goals, plan and do your research. Lastly, make sure to declutter and make a master list.

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