Friday 21 April 2023

Top 5 Ways To Feel Confident In Anything You Choose To Wear

We all know those girls who make everything look good even if they were dressed in a black garbage bag with messy hair. It can be hard to feel beautiful in our own skin when we are compared to the beauty and perfection of the gorgeous ladies in social media. We all know most of these women are using filters and wearing makeup to look so flawless but it doesn’t do any good for our self esteem. 

Looking and feeling good in your own skin with your basic clothing should just come naturally. We are all beautiful in our own way and our clothing shouldn’t affect how people see us, sadly that is not the case and we are constantly in competition with one another. 

You can feel confident and learn how to love yourself and appreciate what you have. It just takes time and the proper mindset. Start with these great tricks and you will be so much happier and mentally healthier. 

Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in.

Feeling comfortable is a huge portion of feeling good about yourself and how you look. When you are out and about the last thing you want is to feel like you are sucking in to fit into your pants. Choose pieces that fit nicely and accentuate your body shape. You can find wholesale body shapers to suit any of your favourite outfits. 

Try using shapewear.

Shapewear is an excellent way to shape your body into a tighter and firmer look. Shapewear can help hide muffin tops, belly fluff, and saggy bottoms. There are so many comfortable options this day and age it’s not like the old girdle your great grandma used to wear. Shape wear is also available in sport suit women sizes for working out, hiking, and other activities. 

Shapewear can also help you to transform your body into the shape you desire. There are pieces that help to slim your waist, raise your breasts, add volume to your butt, and hide undesirable lumps and bumps. If you have had a surgical procedure to help you shape up there are pieces for post op as well. A stage 3 faja will help to compress after surgery and give you the desired flat and smooth shape you desire. 

Use positive affirmations.

Tell yourself everyday how beautiful you are and what you feel is your greatest feature. Do not encourage negative talk or body shaming when speaking with anyone. Using a positive mindset can help you to feel more beautiful, happy with yourself and what you have, and encourage others around you to be happy with their bodies as well. 

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

If you are always negative you are going to attract negative people. If you are always putting others down and judging people those are the types of friends you are going to have. Try to surround yourself with positive people who love their bodies and are happy with their lives and what they have.

Remember who you are.

You are a survivor, a lover, a mother, a daughter, a husband, a vibrant person and treasured member of society! Whoever you are your clothing and your body shape is not what got you where you are today! You are someone special and should feel like it in everything you wear. 

Follow us on Instagram to see our fun and frugal adventures! We are a wild nature loving family of 5 saving to buy a home with our two ferrets and cat! We live in the beautiful Okanagan where things aren’t cheap by any means but it sure is worth the view. 

Check out how we have been saving and living our best lives by following us on Pinterest! We create our own path, make our own future, and choose to appreciate what we have! 

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