Thursday 10 August 2023

Why We Choose To Donate & Volunteer Even During Hard Times

We are huge animal lovers in our family and it is such a wonderful way to be and a great thing to teach your kids. Loving animals helps to teach compassion, care, love, sympathy, and gives so much in rewarding experiences it’s just limitless to what benefits come from being an animal lover! 

We are huge on budgeting lately due to trying to buy a home in the Okanagan but we are still willing to teach our kids the value of giving back even when your on a budget and don’t have much to give. We are very careful with our spending but it is so beneficial to allow a bit of wiggle room for a good cause. 

My daughter and her best friend decided they wanted to raise money for the local SPCA by running a mini garage sale, face painting, balloon animals, and games in a local park. They had a wonderful amount of support and raised $230 for the animals. They sat out in the hot sun for 4 hours waiting for customers, put up signs, and we shared it all on social media. This was a great opportunity to teach the girls about finances, counting change, dealing with customers, budgeting, and more!

Helping the girls setup this event has made them realize there are more important things in life than cell phones and television. Encouraging them to give away all that hard earned money and meet the poor animals that don’t have a home at the SPCA is a great way to open their eyes to others needs and to appreciate what we have. 

We have a cat and would love to have more animals but teaching them the cost of an animal and the special needs they require like extra time and vet bills, helps them to learn why we can’t just adopt them all. But the animals still need help and homes so it is always good to give back when you can. We are making a better generation by taking their summer vacation time and applying it to philanthropy. 

We have been spoiling our gorgeous tortie Beans and treating her to a life of luxury! She loves to go for hikes in her backpack and eat food, all kinds of food! 

The SPCA or shelter near you can always use donations and volunteers and if your lucky you will get to spend some time with animals who need some snuggles! 

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