Wednesday 29 November 2023

Packing List For A Skiing, Snowboarding, or Tubing Trip

Living in beautiful British Columbia gives us access to so many amazing activities in all seasons. In the summer we have beaches and lakes to explore and so many amazing hiking adventures to enjoy. In the winter we have so many different ski and snowboard resorts in our area it is a plethora of choices for the picking! I absolutely love winter activities but can’t stand the cold so I always need to make sure I am prepared for anything! 

I have learned over the years to create the perfect list of essentials for the best family trip to the slopes and this will definitely help you make the most of your trip as well! Take the time to go through the list and start packing for your next winter adventure! 

Ski Key locks for snowboards and skis! 

Locking up your belongings is of utmost importance when out and about in busy places. Whether we like it or not our stuff is valuable and we can get it stolen or mistaken for others in the blink of an eye. With this super affordable Ski Key you can lock up and keep your items safe while you’re storing them. These simple locks can be a lifesaver when spending a day at the slopes and can save you a fortune by ensuring your stuff stays put when you’re busy doing other activities. 

You can get them individually or a family pack with the same key so everyone in the family or group has access to their items. These Ski Keys are perfect for gifts at any time of year and make the perfect stocking stuffer for those snow bunnies on your list! These sets can also be perfect for summer time if you have wakeboards to lock up as well! Ski Key racks are perfect for resorts, chalets, cabins, and garages where you want to keep all your gear neatly organized and safely secure! 

Lotion, sunscreen, and chapstick!

These are the absolute must haves in personal products when spending a day in the harsh winter conditions. You can still get a sunburn in the winter so sunscreen is a must have. Your skin gets dried out from the cold air so lotion is always a good idea before, during, and after spending time outdoors. Your lips take a beating in the cold so stock up on chapstick to ensure you don’t get wind burn and chapped lips during your trip, that stuff hurts so bad after a while. If you are travelling with a young teen girl ensure she has her period pack just in case “Aunt Flow” pays a visit. 

Another great item to always have on hand no matter where you go is a simple medical bag with Tylenol, Advil, bandaids, antacids, gravol, hand sanitizer, tampons & pads, wet wipes, a lighter or matches, and any prescription medications you require. When we travel in the winter we try to keep a winter road safety kit on board as well just in case we hit the ditch or get stuck somewhere. 

Protein & healthy snacks!

It takes so much energy to get out and moving on the slopes. Even if you are simply going tubing or sledding it takes a lot of energy just to stand outside in the cold. Your body needs high energy, healthy fuel to keep moving and having fun. Keeping a few protein bars, dried fruit, or trail mixes in your pockets while up in the mountains is a great way to keep up your energy levels and feel good while out in the cold. 

Warm layers & change of clothes.

If you are anything like me you are not a fan of the cold, even if you are it can be very cold up in the mountains. Start with a base layer of cotton or long underwear, layer it up with sweaters, sweatpants, and a good snowsuit. Remember to bring a couple pairs of gloves in case one gets ripped, wet, or lost. A good quality toque, earmuffs, or balaclava is perfect for keeping the top of your head warm and your ears comfortable. Socks are a huge item that many people think can be simple but when you get up there your toes freeze quickly. Using wool socks, toe warmers and layers can help. 

Warming items.

I got a heated vest for my birthday that fits beneath my jacket and so far it has been a lifesaver even while I’m at home. When I work outside with my daycare I feel warm and snuggly even in the cold winter wind, I love my heated vest and will be buying heated gloves, heated socks, heated toques, heated pants, heated jackets, and more throughout the years! If you aren’t in the position to buy heated clothing yet make sure to buy pocket warmers as they will be a huge help on the really cold days. You can buy them in bulk and have enough for the whole family. The best time to buy them is right after winter when they go on clearance. 

Extra cash. 

Make sure to bring a bit of extra money when you head to the ski hill for incidentals and accidents, lunch and souvenirs, emergency cash on hand is always a good idea in case the POS system is down anywhere and you need to pay with cash. 

Air tags or trackers.

Air tags can help you to track your kids if you are going to a very big location where they will be heading out alone. If you don’t want to buy air tags ensure that your kids have the location on their phones turned on, remember to keep your phones near your body in your snow suit though as they don’t work well in the cold. There are other trackers available as well and always make sure you stress the rule that going out of bounds is never ok! Stay where you can see people and always be safe in the mountains because getting lost and freezing to death is a very real scenario! 

These are our basic essentials for every trip to the slopes, I’m sure you can think of a few more depending on where you are going and how long your trip is. This list and these tips will definitely help you to stay safe and comfortable though while playing in the snow! 

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