Tuesday 5 December 2023

Why We Are Encouraging Our Daughter To Be An Equestrian

We are absolutely in love with horses and farm animals in our house. If we could afford to have a farm we would be involved in every style of farming activity you can imagine. Not only does it teach hard work and determination to your family and children but it is a passion that is becoming lost. There are less and less people becoming farmers as they graduate and it is definitely showing on the current economy. 

We are encouraging our daughter to become an equestrian to teach her so many values. The top 3 reasons are:


Being on a farm and learning how to ride horses can be so much fun. You get to learn about all kinds of animals, help others with chores around the farm, and see how much work goes into farming in our community. Our daughter scoops poop and cleans stalls and paddocks for free riding lessons and it has shown her how much work goes into having a farm. 

She has seen animals get injured and had to help them, she has helped with the newborn animals, and helped others around the farm whenever they need it. This kind of compassion is so enriching for our daughter and really helps to build character as she grows.

Work Ethic

My daughter has come home with sore legs, sore hands, and filthy clothes only to tell me about the memories of riding and how much fun she had. She is proud to be taking photos riding horses and she is earning that privilege by working hard! Shoveling stalls for hours at a time is going to help her grow some muscle mass and teach her how hard you need to work to get the reward in the end. 

She is also learning about different types of tools and equipment used for riding and cleaning. Her organizational skills are improving each day as well since having to maintain the barn and all the tack and grooming supplies.


Being around horses can be scary especially if you have heard stories of people getting stepped on or kicked. These animals are huge and they can be very intimidating. By having our daughter around horses and riding she is learning to be brave and enjoy this new skill. 

Learning to go from a basic walk around the ring to a trot or jump can be exhilarating and takes a huge amount of bravery. Learning to move around these gorgeous creatures and respect how to behave around them can teach patience, understanding, and courage for future ventures. 

We see nothing but positive attributes from horseback riding and farming. So why not encourage farming and horse handling into your family? Get those kids outside and around animals and you might spake a passion that could carry on into a career later on. 

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