Monday 25 March 2013

Ogoplay Party!

So my little girl had her 3rd birthday party at Ogoplay. It was a blast! Ogoplay is West Kelowna's first indoor playground. It consists of a huge play area with like 4 different levels, probably around 20 different areas to explore within the playground, 4 very fast red slides, a swirly green slide, a small yellow slide, a small zipline type thing you see at most school playgrounds, and numerous obstacles throughout. Outside of the playground they have a dragon bouncy house, a toddler area with soft easy to climb around on structures and a small, soft slide, a merry go round, a miniature Ferris wheel ride, a ride on Lightning Mcqueen, toy dispensers, candy crane, and of course the concession! The prices are very reasonable considering what you get for your money. 
  • Monday Closed Except Holidays
  • Tuesday………. 10am – 6pm
  • Wednesday….. 10am – 6pm
  • Thursday…….. 10am – 6pm
  • Friday…………. 10am – 7pm
  • Saturday…….. 10am – 7pm
  • Sunday……….. 10am – 5pm
Admission Rates

Toddlers under 3 years…$ 5.95
Children 3 years and older…$10.95
Additional Adult/Teens (16+)…$ 2.95
Family Annual Membership – based on family of four (2 adults and 2 children)… $259.00  * Each additional child + $59.00.
Kids (3yrs and older) Annual Membership… $139.00
Toddlers (under 3yrs) Annual Membership… $79.00
Kids (3yrs and older) 6 Visit Punch pass… $55.00
Toddlers (under 3yrs) 6 Visit Punch pass… $30.00
These are the awesome goodie bags I made to go with our Ogoplay theme! They turned out really good!
Here is my little angel before the party, I bought her this really cute iron on from ebay that says "Its my 3rd birthday" with her name on the bottom. She looked so cute!
Here is the sign they had for our party room!
My son in the bouncy house.
Brooke taking a quick break before running to play again.
Brooke in the bouncy house. 
Brooke and Ashton bouncing in circles.
 Brooke riding on the Lightning Mcqueen ride.
 Ashton striking a pose for the camera.
The super fast red slides. 
Brooke and Ashton on the merry go round. 
Some of our party guests. We had 8 kids there. 
Me and Brooke 
The Birthday cake! 
 Brooke sitting on her dads lap to open presents. 

 And that was our Ogoplay party! We had a great time and cant wait to go back. For more information visit!
Easter is coming and I need to decorate a little bit. But I will not buy any decorations. So we made our own eggs to hang on the wall with just construction paper and crayons. It doesn't get any easier, or cheaper. The kids really enjoy seeing their art displayed around the house, they love making them, and I save money. Now that is a win win!

 Brooke made the purple egg and Tyson helped me with the yellow one and did his own green one. Very cute!
 And of course we cannot forget my sweet baby Troy. He is growing like a weed and is such a good baby. He is going to be crawling in no time. He is now 4 months old.

 Make your own baby wipes, check out wellness mama.

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