Monday 16 September 2019

Tips on Storing Your Kids Toys

Children love playtime, but when they've had enough, they will simply move away and let the adult deal with the toys. This is why you'll be stepping on toy cars, dolls and blocks in every corner of the house. You'll have to bear the pain and gently explain to the crying toddlers that it was an accident and you'll get them a new one soon. Toy storage is important not just for team sake of organisation and saving money but also for the safety of everyone in the house. Here are a few tips that will help you store your child's toys when they are not using them:



This is the best way of figuring out how you will store toys. Separate the blocks from cards, you cars, dolls and others. Small ones like cards and blocks can easily be put in boxes or containers then placed on a shelf in the child's room. Cars and larger toys need to be arranged somewhere where they can't roll over and trip someone. Inflatable toys and slides need to be placed away from sharp objects. You can donate or sell any toys that the child doesn't use to declutter their room. 



They may never learn the value of responsibility unless you show them by action. Most children may choose to simply ignore what you are showing them unless you explain why. Tell them gently that the toys may injure them, someone else or even their pets. Tell them that they may also get damaged and you may not buy others. Make sure they pick them up with you. Show them where they should be put and watch to make sure they do it. 



Most parents keep toys in the children's rooms. It not only gives them quick access but also serves a decorative purpose. 

Sometimes the toys may be too large or too many to be placed in their bedrooms. You'll need to find storage solutions elsewhere. You may have to move your white king-size bed frame to create more space. A clever way of adding space would be to convert the garage to a playroom. You could also build then a treehouse (if they are old enough to climb) and put some toys there. 

If you have a large backyard, you could build a little playhouse for them (or buy one). 



You could buy and install additional storage units to increase the space for keeping the children's toys. Adding shelves to their closet or getting a tallboy with many shelves is a good idea. You could also get additional boxes to store stuffed toys. 


In conclusion, storing and organising your child's toys is essential for the sake of safety, organisation, saving costs and ultimately, your peace of mind. Remember to get storage solutions that match the rest of the house's decor to avoid colour-clashing themes.

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