Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Look For Traces of Asbestos in Your Home

For many years, asbestos has been used as an essential construction material in the construction industry. If you plan to renovate your home, there might be chances that the use of asbestos will be incorporated in the process. 

However, many health hazards are associated with asbestos. It contains fibers that are believed to cause lung cancer and other breathing disorders. You do not want any of your family members around this hazardous material, therefore, it is essential to get rid of the potentially dangerous material from the house. Because of this, it is crucial to conduct asbestos sample testing so that the harmful substances can be dealt with by specialists in asbestos removal as soon as possible

Identifying Asbestos In One's House 

Identifying asbestos can be a difficult task. For proper asbestos sample testing, one has to collect the samples and send them for testing. Asbestos is present in different areas within the home, such as ceiling and wall spray, linoleums, floor tiles, drywall or joint compounds, roofing, and many more. Therefore, it is essential to have the test performed before you begin with your house's renovation process. Get in touch with professionals to ensure the best for your house and your health. 

Different Methods That Are Used For Testing the Presence of Asbestos in Your Home

There are different ways in which you can detect the presence of asbestos in your house. However, make sure that you do not attempt to test by yourself. If there is a glitch in the process of collecting the sample, it can worsen the disruption. Therefore, seek the assistance of an asbestos sample testing specialist and let them inspect your home and extract the required amount of the sample. 

For Identifying Air Samples of Asbestos 

For asbestos, which is airborne, a technology known as Phase Contact Microscopy or PCM is used. This technology helps to detect the presence of asbestos in the air sample. It is an efficient method and helps in the easy identification of asbestos fibers at highly affordable rates. 

In case the suspended fibers are too minute to be identified using PCM, another technology known as TEM or Transmission Electron Microscopy is used. This is a highly sophisticated method that helps in the easy identification of airborne asbestos materials. Researchers can identify even the tiniest of particles using this technology. 

Collecting Samples from Building Materials 

For this kind of asbestos sample testing, different types of methods are employed. Of all the techniques, the most frequently used technique is Polarized Light Microscopy, also known as PLM. This technique harnesses the use of polarized light to determine the properties of fibers, thereby identifying the presence of asbestos. This asbestos sample testing technique is so efficient that it can help identify the percentage of asbestos present in the material and help judge the proper treatment. 

What Does It Mean To Have Asbestos in my Home?

It’s very simple. Do nothing. Just make sure that the asbestos is not disturbed by airflow or vibrations and obviously do not touch it, as this can cause fibres to spread into the air or through your skin. You'll want to find experts in your area who can offer Asbestos Abatement services to remove the source of the asbestos in a safe manner over time. Leaving this to the experts is best as they have the knowledge and equipment required to safely undertake this task. Beyond this, if the asbestos has been in your home for a long time already, then leaving it untouched is going to be the best course of action until it can be properly removed.


If you have the slightest of doubt in your mind regarding the presence of asbestos around your household, you can opt for an asbestos sample testing session. The presence of asbestos can take an immense toll on the health of people living in the house. Make use of modern-day technology and let your house have the best care!

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