Monday 26 September 2022

ClueddUp Games Experience Honest Review

This weekend we took part in ClueddUp Games Alice In Wonderland Geo Experience. When I had first seen the ads and videos on YouTube and Facebook I was very excited! It looked as though they had taken the time to immerse the streets of Kelowna into a full on experience that will blow your mind, this is not the way it is. 

We got our costumes together and dressed up as our favourite characters all excited to find out it was nothing more than an app like “Pokémon Go” or Geocaching. 

Some of the games were super easy, other riddles were more of a challenge. The map and the app were very well put together and everything was huge easy to find. But that was the entire game and all of its excitement. Technically you could have an entire team of 100 walking around solving the puzzles together you just don’t get the app on all the devices. 

I was really hoping we were going to see the town decorated and expecting physical challenges or communication with local shops and people to give you a full experience. 

My favourite part was seeing everyone dressed up as there were a lot of participants in great costumes but for the amount you pay they could really take it to another level. 

We did have a great time strolling around Kelowna and having a few drinks together, I was definitely not impressed with how straight forward it was, it is just an app! ClueddUp Games is just like geocaching in every way other than dressing up. 

The description ClueddUp Games on their site is:

Looking for a day out with a difference? CluedUpp creates immersive outdoor experiences that transform city streets into unmissable adventures. 

Solve mysteries, complete challenges and bring your friends and family together for a day of fun, jam-packed with smiles and laughter.

Join over 2 million players worldwide and find a CluedUpp adventure happening near you!

There is nothing immersive about the game. You dress up and follow an app. If my love for Alice and Wonderland and adventure didn’t get me excited about it I never would have bothered.

Take a look at the other adventures they have as they are all the same other than the location, riddles, and costumes. I hope they see how much more they could involve locals and restaurants and maybe small items to collect throughout from people hosting to have something to take away from the day besides some adorable pictures.

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