Friday 14 October 2022

5 Fall Home Maintenance Tasks To Complete Before Winter

Maintaining your home can be a full time job in itself if you live in a large home or have a large family. Keeping everything organized, clean, and maintained is just part of daily life, getting the whole family involved can definitely cut down on how long these daunting tasks will take. Start a chore list for your kids and an allowance system and you will have helpers in no time, if you don’t have kids split the jobs evenly between you and your partner. 

Getting the general fall chores tackled is something you should do before winter hits and it turns into an issue you can’t get to. So what would be considered a fall maintenance task?

1. Maintaining appliances that are going to get used the most during winter. Check on your filters, furnace, heaters, stove and oven, and hot water heater. If you maintain and fix your home appliances in time you can save yourself a fortune by extending the life of each appliance and avoiding replacement costs. 

2. Yard work is always the least favourite in my family but as the leaves fall we have to maintain them otherwise we have a nasty mess to clean in the spring. Ensure you clear any irrigation pipes before the cold moves in and anything that requires digging, removal or replanting should be done before the ground gets hard.

3. Check your home for cracks, leaks, and drafts that can allow cold air inside. You can save yourself hundreds by keeping the cool air out of your home during the winter months. One highly effective option is to look into adjusting your threshold for your front door, as drafts can easily sneak through any gaps at the bottom. Other useful options to consider include sealing up windows with caulking, check for drafts coming through doors as the weather stripping may need replacement and look at your siding and walls for any cracks that can be repaired. 

4. Inspect your roof for any signs of damage or leaks. It’s always better to figure that out before the weather gets nasty. While your up there clean out your gutters and ensure any rain or snow isn’t going to build up and flow into your roofing tiles. 

5. Clean up your barbecue area and grill and wrap it up for winter, unless of course you have a covered patio and grill year round. 

Other than that you should be set and ready for winter to come in strong.

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