Friday 5 January 2024

Taking Care of Yourself as You Nurse Your Baby

Image via Pexels

For most new mothers, the decision to nurse a baby is a highly personal and important one. If you're a new mother who's decided to nurse your baby, you likely already understand the pros and cons that come with this decision. However, if you're still contemplating whether you'll nurse your infant, it's always a good idea to understand ways you can take care of yourself while nursing which can help both you and your baby build a healthy bond and make the process easier. Today, Funky Frugal Mommy shares a few ways to take great care of yourself while nursing that you may not have considered. 

Self-Care and Organization while Nursing

As a new mother nursing her baby, you're likely getting less sleep and may even be struggling to develop new routines. It's perfectly normal to experience moments of doubt and fatigue as you adjust to your growing family. One way to make things run more smoothly is to keep your home as organised as possible, as well as finding a durable, comfortable nursing bra you can even wear to bed. Breathable fabrics with ample support and easy nursing access make breastfeeding much easier for mom and baby, so find yourself some comfortable and elegant maternity bras. 

Whether you're already in the swing of new parenthood or expecting, it's a good idea to take some time to declutter your home and invest in products that help you stay as organised as possible. From cabinet dividers to labels for those helping out, to bins and crates, the more organised and healthy you can keep your home now will add up to easier days, less anxiety, and more peace of mind.

Quality Family Time

While keeping an organised and healthy home will help, taking time to get out of the house will also add up to a happier transition. Even just taking a walk every day can make a huge difference. Before the baby is born, you and your partner and any older children can stroll around the neighbourhood and catch up on your days. And once the baby is born, you can simply add the stroller to your routine. 

Family Lives notes that adding a new baby can be hard for older children who aren't sure how their new sibling will fit into their worlds. Being available for bedtime every night or having your children help with simple chores while you're working in the kitchen can be good opportunities to connect. Why not consider some day trips in your local area where your older children can begin to make new memories with the little one? Try to keep up with your daily routines together, too, so they know they are still a priority for you.

When planning family time with the larger family unit, consider picking up the supplies you'll need to make nursing easier, explains Inspired Motherhood. From hands-free pumps to nursing bras and breast pads, being prepared and keeping items in diaper bags for you as well as your baby will help. Don't forget to pack snacks for your older children, too.

Identifying Local Resources

It's been said that it takes a village. Spending some time finding a list of local mothers' groups, nursing supports at your community hospital, and even your own hobbies and interests while nursing your baby can be a good way to maintain a healthy balance in your life. Start by connecting with your area hospital's lactation specialist for a great list of places where you can meet other moms like you. It’s important that you have health insurance during your pregnancy and the postpartum period in order for you to stay healthy. If you don’t have coverage due to unemployment or self-employment, try to get on your partner’s or spouse’s coverage. 

Be Kind During this Transition

At the end of the day, it's important to take things slow and be open-minded about how you spend your days when you're nursing your baby. Remember that this is a transition for everyone in your family, and do your best to support everyone’s needs – including your own. 

Funky Frugal Mommy is here to help you live your best life on a budget. Questions? Please email

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