Sunday 11 February 2018

Kids Email Review & Giveaway!

Kids sitting with their faces buried in their phones ignoring the entire world around them has become the norm. While most parents are trying to combat screen time by taking their devices away or limiting the time spent on them what are we doing to ensure the screen time they are getting is safe and secure? This is where Kids Email comes in. was established in 2009. The concept and idea was written and designed to be a part of the solution to protect children and families online. was designed to provide safe email for kids.

With the amount of content our kids see and interact with it is always nice to know we can maintain safety when they are communicating with friends and family. I can't even count the amount of fake emails and scams I get sent each week to my personal email. Those scammers and predators are lurking around every corner and our personal information is easily thought of by a young person as useless information, but in the wrong hands you never know what could happen.

 Kids Email protects our kids and teens from those exact circumstances. Not only that but you can also set time restrictions, block senders, monitor their mail, and much more!

Take Kids Email on the Go

  • Safe Email on any device Your children can email their friends and family on their iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or any device that they choose!

    What a great way to allow your kids the freedom to email in a safe environment.

    See who your child is contacting and who is contacting them.

     You can try it for free to see if its the right fit for your family!

    Would you like to win a 13 month subscription to Kids Email for your family? 
    Enter Below! We will be choosing 3 winners!

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