Saturday 25 April 2020

Fun indoor activities you can do with kids during lockdown

If there is one good thing about the global pandemic we are all experiencing at the moment, it's the fact that we get to spend more time with our families. Sure, that can be stressful from time to time, but it is certainly something we wished for so many times before - while being held up at meetings, long conference calls or during boring presentations at work. At the moment we have all the time in the world to devote it to our little ones, so why not make the most of it? Playing with your kids will also help you take your mind off of what's happening outside, so there are other benefits as well. Let's take a look at some ideas for indoor activities you can do with kids during lockdown.

Scavenger hunt

A scavenger hunt is a great game for younger kids. If you have little ones who still cannot read, your list can include drawings of the objects they are supposed to find. Even though this game is more interesting when played outside, families who live in apartments can still make this game interesting by hiding objects at some unexpected places


Making a simple birdhouse can be fun for the entire family. There are many ideas to try online, and you should choose one according to the material you have at home. Help your kids with making the structure and let them decorate whichever way they want to. Again, you do not need a backyard for this activity if your apartment has a balcony.



Painting is one of the best activities for kids of all ages. The great thing about it is that it is equally interesting to boys and girls. The younger ones usually enjoy making art by dipping their fingers in paint and using them as instruments. Even the entire palms can be used for drawing various shapes like trees, chickens, etc. 

Making 3D paintings

Toddlers will love seeing their paintings grow in front of their eyes once being finished. The good news is that you can make this special paint by yourself at home. Plus, the result can be used as an affordable kids' room decor. You will need some flour, salt, baking powder, and water. After mixing those ingredients you can add food color or tempera paint, stir it in and you have the magic paint ready. Put it in a plastic bag, cut off the edge so that your kid can use it as a pastry bag. After they make their drawing like this you should put it in a microwave for 30 seconds or in a regular, preheated oven for 5-10 minutes and you will get the 3D painting.


Shadow drawing

This activity is very simple, yet the results can be awesome. All your kid needs is a piece of paper, a pencil and a toy they want to draw a picture of. They should put a toy between the window (or a lamp) and the paper so that the toy casts a clear shadow on the paper. Now they can simply draw the shape of their favorite toy by following the line of the shadow!

Indoor picnic

Kids love picnics. Every game is more interesting when taking place in a tent, especially if the tent is made of blankets and towels. The bigger the tent, the better the game. Hand them some snacks and your kids will be playing inside for hours! But, do your kids have enough space for this activity? Now that we are all stuck inside our homes, you might feel like you need more space in your home. You can make this happen if you put unnecessary bulky items in storage and leave only the items you really need. A lot of us feel imprisoned at the moment, so making your space cleaner and free of stuff can help. 

Potato stamps

Toddlers also like playing with stamps. Don't worry if you don't have the store-bought ones, as you can make some by yourself.All you need is a potato and a knife. Cut the potato in half and then use a carving knife to make the wanted shape to stick out of that flat surface of the potato. And that's pretty much it. Your kids now have a stamp to dip in the color of their choice and put on paper. 


Puzzles are great fun since they can be played at any age. For younger ones you can even make some by cutting pictures in several pieces for them to put back together. School kids and teenagers can choose the themes that they like most and the number of pieces they are capable of doing. 


There is no time like the present when it comes to organizing movie nights. We could all use some time when we can relax and not think about what is going on around us - and family movies are perfect for that purpose. Make some snacks (you can try this theatre popcorn recipe) and gather around the TV to enjoy one of the fun indoor activities you can do with kids during lockdown.


Many kids are fond of cooking, so why not teach them how to make some simple dishes or snacks? Toddlers are perfectly capable of helping out with preparations in the kitchen. Some of them can even make a fruit salad or combine milk and cereals for breakfast. Ask them to help you with making cookies. They would be thrilled to make their own shapes and watch them bake afterward. This can also be a good trick to make them love the food that they usually refused to eat.

Slime and playdough

For some reason, kids find slime irresistible. If yours have wasted all their store-bought supplies, you can look up the recipe to make it at home - it's very simple. The same goes for playdough - home-made version is non-toxic so you can let your kids play for as long as they like. 

You might get surprised to see how talented your little ones are through some of these indoor activities you can do with kids during lockdown. Enjoy the time you get to spend with your family, stay at home and stay safe!

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