Friday 25 November 2022

Alice In Wonderland Wedding Ideas

When we got married in June 2022 we decided on 3 themes to be intertwined since I have so many different favourites and couldn’t narrow it down to just one. I choose to create a Camouflage, Skull, and Alice In Wonderland themed wedding. It turned out absolutely gorgeous and was everything I had dreamed of. 

There were so many ideas I could have incorporated to create the best Alice In Wonderland themed wedding but I had such an amazing venue I didn’t need to take it to the extremes. I had planned my dream Wonderland wedding anyways so I could have different options to choose from, and came up with so many neat ideas. 

For The Dress

You can find some beautiful Alice style dresses on the internet so you can take your journey down the rabbit hole in style! 

This one from Etsy is absolutely stunning and would have been the perfect dress for me if I didn’t go with my camouflage gown. The style is so form fitting and the look is completely Alice In Wonderland, simply one of my favourite options and the price is right for sure. I chose to create a camouflage theme for my wedding party so my dress and everyone else’s outfits were matching camo. 

The Shoes

You can take the look of your shoes to all kinds of different levels depending on what your style is and how much you are willing to spend. I went with custom made Cheshire Cat shoes to add a touch of Wonderland to my wardrobe. My shoes turned out amazing and were custom made by a wonderful company on Etsy.

The Cake

We chose to do cupcakes at our wedding and they turned out so beautiful. We included a cutting cake but had the theme of skulls for the topper. It was exactly what I had pictured when  I was thinking about skulls and rustic tied together. 

But if I was going to take it to the Alice In Wonderland themed cake decorations I definitely would have gone with this adorable cupcake stand

The Decorations

You can create so many unique looks and take your venue to the next level with all kinds of Alice In Wonderland themed signs, lights, and props from the movies and books! There are some super cute favours that you can get that are skeleton key bottle openers which is what we opted for. They are so adorable and are right in tune with Wonderland. You can find similar keys here and they are very affordable wedding favours that can be turned into keychains as well.

You can get some very cool signs off Amazon as well and they don’t have to be for a wedding you can use them for parties or home decor. I really liked these ones below and you can find them here.

Create your very own Alice In Wonderland themed party or wedding for next to nothing by making your own decorations and incorporating a bunch of flowers. When I made my own Wonderland themed garden a few years ago I did it all for Pennie’s on the dollar being frugal and repurposing old materials.

Try creating this Tea Time Hanging Planter for more Alice In Wonderland in your home and yard. 

Don’t forget to check us out on Instagram and Pinterest for more amazing DIY ideas and helpful articles! 

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