Tuesday 31 January 2023

How To Save Money in 2023

Saving money might seem like an impossibility at the moment. When you can’t afford to pay your rent, or you are counting the pennies for your grocery shop, it is hard to imagine the part where you have anything left over to be put away. The truth is, saving looks different to everyone, and everyone has different reasons for wanting to save. 

Do what you can for yourself and what works with your finances. So, with that in mind, this piece is going to take a look at how you can save money in 2023.

Go Through Your Statements

Going through your statements can be an excellent way to assess what you spend. This is absolutely not to say that you should stop paying for Netflix or stop eating a supermarket’s premium option of pizza – you need to take the little wins in life! However, it is more about asking you to look at what you do not use enough for it to warrant paying for it. This could be a subscription you aren’t enjoying anymore, maybe a beauty box that has stopped being worth the cost, or maybe you are finding you are having more takeaways than you thought.

Unfortunately, it is usually the luxuries that have to go first to help create some money to save, but that does not mean you should forgo them all. The lipstick effect is real, so don’t be hard on yourself; just be a little harder on your direct debits.

Get a Roommate

Being able to afford living alone or on a single income can feel next to impossible at the moment. If you are in a situation where you need to move or you need additional income, then taking on a roommate or moving in with one can help you put a little more money aside. With someone to share the bills with, you will be able to cut down on living expenses and have more money for yourself to save. Head over to roomclub.com to find the right house share for you and get saving. 

Stay at Home

Why not revisit the pandemic days where everyone had to entertain themselves with what they had in their 4 walls? While it might not seem like something anyone is in a rush to go back to, doing things at home not only allows you to get the most out of your rent, but it can also inspire you to get creative without breaking the bank. Many people were able to save during the pandemic because of the cutback on travel, no options to eat out or spend money, and had to find other ways to enjoy what they had.

Take some time to learn how to cook your favorite takeaway, ask to work from home a couple of times a week if it is feasible, and start that project at home you have been putting off. All of these can be rewarding in their own way and help you save that little bit extra.

Living With Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is a chronic inner ear condition that affects the balance and hearing of those who have it. It typically presents in people in their 40s and 50s, but it can occur in people of any age. The symptoms can be severe and can greatly impact a person's quality of life.


Symptoms of Meniere's disease can include vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear. Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or swaying and can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The hearing loss can be fluctuating and may occur in one ear or both ears. Tinnitus is a ringing or noise in the ear. The feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear can also be uncomfortable.


The exact cause of Meniere's disease is not known, but it is believed to be related to an increase in fluid pressure in the inner ear. Factors that may contribute to this include head injury, viral infections, and genetics.


Treatment for Meniere's disease can include medications to control symptoms, such as antihistamines and anti-nausea medications for vertigo, and diuretics to reduce fluid buildup in the ear. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to alleviate symptoms.

Impact on Employment

Living with Meniere's disease can also have an impact on a person's employment. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 19.3% of persons with a disability were employed in 2019. The symptoms of Meniere disease, such as vertigo and hearing loss, can make it difficult for a person to perform their job duties. It may also increase the risk of accidents, such as car accidents. According to Driver Knowledge, the average number of car accidents in the U.S. every year is six million.

Coping Strategies

For those living with Meniere's disease, it's important to find ways to cope with the symptoms. This may include avoiding triggers, such as stress and certain foods, and developing a support system.

Other coping strategies include:

Practicing stress-reducing techniques, such as yoga or meditation

Keeping a diary of symptoms to identify triggers

Following a low-salt diet

Wearing earplugs to reduce tinnitus

Using assistive devices, such as hearing aids

Support Groups

Joining a support group can also be beneficial for those living with Meniere's disease. Support groups provide a forum for individuals to share their experiences and offer support to each other. They can also provide information and resources on the latest treatments and coping strategies.

Importance of Early Diagnosis

Early diagnosis of Meniere's disease is important in order to begin treatment as soon as possible. If left untreated, Meniere's disease can lead to chronic hearing loss and a decline in overall quality of life. It is important to seek medical attention if experiencing any symptoms of Meniere disease, such as vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, or a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear.

Meniere's disease is a chronic inner ear condition that can greatly impact a person's quality of life. Living with Meniere disease can be challenging, but with the right treatment and coping strategies, it is possible to manage symptoms and maintain a good quality of life. It's important to work closely with a healthcare provider to develop an individualized treatment plan and to address any concerns or issues that may arise. But with the right treatment and coping strategies, it is possible to manage symptoms and maintain a good quality of life. It's important to work closely with a healthcare provider and also to seek support from family, friends, and support groups for your health. It is also important to seek medical attention early on if experiencing symptoms of Meniere's disease.

15 Savvy Tricks for Branding Yourself

The process of branding yourself is an important aspect of personal and professional development, especially if you’re running a company. It involves creating a unique identity and image for yourself that sets you apart from others in your field and helps you to stand out. This won’t be easy, and it might take a lot of time, patience, and energy - unless you have some help, though. Therefore, here are some tips for branding yourself effectively.

Define your target audience

The first step in branding yourself is to define your target audience. Who are the people you want to reach and connect with? Understanding your target audience will help you to tailor your branding efforts to the specific needs and interests of that group.

Identify your unique value proposition

What makes you unique? What sets you apart from others in your field? Identifying your unique value proposition will help you to create a brand that is authentic and differentiated.

Build a strong online presence

Today, a strong online presence is essential for personal branding. This includes having an active and professional social media presence, as well as a personal website or blog. This is why your website needs the best possible domain name and extension, and this combination has to work for you to the fullest and tell people what makes you unique. This won’t be easy, though, which is why you might consider looking into a practical me domain that’s going to make you more unique than ever. This is crucial when you’re trying to get people’s attention, so check out this domain and start working on your online presence immediately.

Develop a personal brand statement

A personal brand statement is a statement that summarizes who you are and what you do. It should be memorable, easy to understand, and reflective of your unique value proposition.

Create a consistent visual identity

Your visual identity should be consistent across all of your branding materials, including your website, business cards, and social media profiles. This includes using a consistent color scheme, font, and logo.

Network actively

Networking is an important part of personal branding. Attend events, join professional organizations, and connect with others in your field. This will help you to build relationships, gain visibility, and establish yourself as someone who can become a leader in your industry.

Share your knowledge and expertise

One of the best ways to brand yourself is to share your knowledge and expertise. This can be done through writing articles, giving presentations, or even starting a podcast or YouTube channel.

Be authentic

Authenticity is key when it comes to personal branding. Your brand should reflect who you truly are and what you stand for. Avoid trying to be something you're not or overpromising what you can do.

Monitor and measure your progress

It’s important to track your progress and measure the effectiveness of your branding efforts. Use tools such as Google Analytics to track website traffic, social media analytics to track engagement, and surveys to gather feedback.

Keep improving and growing

Personal branding is an ongoing process, and you should always be looking for ways to improve and evolve your brand. Stay current with the latest trends and best practices in your industry, and be open to feedback and constructive criticism.

Be consistent in your actions

Your actions and behavior should reflect your personal brand statement and your unique value proposition. You should strive to be consistent in your actions, which will help to build trust and credibility with your target audience.

Leverage the power of storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool in personal branding. Share your personal story, the obstacles you've overcome, and the lessons you've learned. This will help you to connect with your audience on a deeper level and create a more powerful brand.

Be patient

Building a personal brand takes time, effort, and patience. It's not something that can be achieved overnight. Be consistent in your efforts, stay focused and be patient.

Seek feedback and ask for testimonials

Seek feedback from your peers, colleagues, and clients on how you can improve your personal brand. This will give you valuable insights into how you are perceived and areas for improvement. Additionally, ask for testimonials from satisfied clients and include them on your website or social media profiles to build credibility and trust with your target audience.

Collaborate with others

Collaborating with other individuals and organizations in your industry can help to expand your reach and amplify your personal brand. Seek out opportunities to co-create content, host events, or speak on panels. Collaboration can also help you to build new relationships and gain access to new audiences.

Branding yourself isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but if you follow these tips, it’s going to end up being easier and more manageable. So, take your time, develop a branding strategy, and start turning your ideas into reality today!

Monday 30 January 2023

How to Make Storage Space in Your Small Home


Are you feeling the squeeze of limited storage in your small home? Do closets and cupboards seem full, yet nothing seems to fit and have a place? Does it feel like clutter is taking over every nook and cranny and growing more out of control by the day?

Take a deep breath! Storage space can be one of the trickiest issues with small homes, but luckily, help is here. This post will show you the best tips for hacking away at that ever-growing pile while creating an efficient storage system that fits into your lifestyle.

1)      Store and Conceal:

Not everything is for display. Think of that pile of cords, books, and gadgets that seem to accumulate in a corner. If you're in a pinch for storage space, store these items in baskets, then hide them on wall shelves or under furniture. It can help to declutter your home while also helping you find things quickly when needed.

You can also invest in furniture with multiple functions. Ottomans and benches with built-in storage are a good choice. You can maintain the cozy vibe of your living room while giving a home to all the extra stuff you don't want to display.

2)      Declutter Regularly:

There's a reason why Marie Kondo's mantra of tidying up has become so popular; it works. Spending just 15 minutes a day decluttering can help you get rid of unnecessary items and make more room for the things you want to keep. It can also help prevent clutter from accumulating in the future.

Once you've sorted the items, donate the ones you no longer need. If there are some valuables that are hard to part with, consider renting a self storage unit in your area. These facilities have stringent security protocols and are mostly climate-controlled. So, no theft, no damages!

3)      Vertical Storage:

You might have limited square footage on the floor, but the wall space? There's plenty of that. So, utilize empty walls and build vertical storage, such as hanging wall racks for books or peg boards for tools.

In the kitchen, you can hang up pots, pans, and utensils to reduce the need for extra cabinets. You can also add wall-mounted shelves or racks for items like spices, oils, and cereals.

For bedrooms, add floating shelves for added storage. It can help to keep books, toys, and knick-knacks organized while creating a homey space. You can even get murphy beds with built-in side cabinets.

4)      Add More Furniture:

If done right, adding more furniture is a great way to organize storage in a small home. For example, try a console table with drawers that are both functional and stylish. Similarly, swap your regular bed frame in the bedrooms for a storage bed to make room for winter clothes and blankets. Storage beds are easy-to-use, so don't worry about lifting heavy mattresses.

You can also try nesting tables in the living room, which are both space-efficient and stylish. You can use stacking shelves in the bathroom to maximize the space and add extra storage for towels, toiletries, and other items. However, remember to measure the room to get the perfect fit when picking the furniture.

5)      Utilize the Nooks:

There's at least one corner in your small home that is crying out for attention. Make the most of it by adding storage furniture and even wall racks. For example, in the kitchen, you can use the corner to put in a lazy Susan or an end table with drawers. Similarly, you can place a tall bookcase or wall shelves in the living room for books and decorative items. Triangular corner shelves are also an excellent choice.

Don't leave the under-the-stairs area unused. You can build a custom wine rack or configure a pet bed for your furry friend there!

6)      Optimize the Extra Space:

Attics and basements are often neglected and overlooked, but they have so much potential. With some creativity and elbow grease, you can turn that dusty old attic or damp basement into a storage powerhouse.

Get rid of the old holiday decorations you never use and install some modular shelving. Utilize hanging organizers for seasonal clothes and clear plastic bins for off-season items. Remember to measure your space before buying any storage solutions. You want to avoid ending up with a giant shelf that doesn't fit. And voila, you've just maximized your storage without breaking the bank or sacrificing square footage.

7)      Consider a Kitchen Island:

Is your kitchen always messy and crammed with pots with no place to call home? Do you struggle while hosting dinners because there's barely prep space left on the congested kitchen counter? It's time to add a kitchen island!

Adding a kitchen island is like hitting the storage jackpot in a small home. It's like finding a hidden compartment in a piece of furniture, except it's right there in plain sight. Not only does it give you extra counter space, but it also often comes with additional cabinets and drawers. Plus, it can also serve as a breakfast bar or a spot for casual dining. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

Consider your kitchen's floor plan and available ground space before investing. You want to maintain the room for movement.

8)      Mount Your TV:

We all love beautiful entertainment consoles. From classic solid wood to modern acrylic ones, there are many options available. But TV consoles can take up space. So, do you skip the TV in the living room? Absolutely not. You mount it.

Mounting a TV on the wall frees up valuable floor space. It also adds a sleek look to any room. Most importantly, you won't have to worry about your TV getting knocked over by curious pets or clumsy guests. But that's not all. Mounting a TV also allows you to tuck away all the unsightly cords and wires, giving your space a clean and clutter-free look.


Final Thoughts:

Making storage space in a small home can be challenging but not impossible. Using the tips and tricks discussed in this blog, you can efficiently declutter and organize your space to maximize storage and minimize clutter. From vertical space to multi-purpose furniture, there are plenty of ways to get creative and make the most of your space. Remember, it's all about being strategic and making intelligent choices. 

8 Tips For Setting Up Your New Home in Overland Park


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Moving into another house can be a stressful experience, more worrisome than a divorce/breakup. Surveys indicate that 38% of people find relocation more troubling than parting ways with a loved one. So, one can only imagine how stressful moving cities or states would be. But, if you have decided to settle in Overland Park, the second most populated city in Kansas, you've made the right decision. With its low cost of living and good average median income, it was rated as number 5 on Livability's list of the best places to live in the US in 2022.

So, here are some tips to make settling into your new home in Overland Park more enjoyable and less frustrating.

How to set up your new home?

In 2021, some 8.4% of Americans switched homes and found residences elsewhere. Statistics show that an average homeowner resides in a lodging for 13 to 15 years. And since relocation is a fantastic event in your life, you shouldn't allow mismanagement to ruin this experience for you. Read the below-mentioned suggestions thoroughly to make moving easier for you.

1.       Rent a self-storage unit

Sometimes, transporting all your belongings to the new home at the same isn't financially feasible. So, you can rent an affordable self-storage facility to keep your valuables safe while relocating. You can check out Overland Park Storage, one of the top self-storage facilities in the city that is secure and accessible. Store all the items that are not in your use at the storage facility, and you will save yourself a lot of trouble.

2.       Deep-clean the place

Start setting up the newly-acquired property by cleaning its every nook and cranny. You should hire deep-cleaning professionals to get the job done right. You don't want the house to smell like it's been closed for ages, do you? It's better to vacuum-clean the place if you're adamant about cleansing yourself. Scrub the dust from the floors, take out those cobwebs, and pay special attention to the attic and the basement. That's how you can make the place safe for your family's arrival.

3.       Prioritize domestic repairs

Statistics have shown that 25% of homes need some pretty serious repairs. So, prioritize these vital repairs before relocating. Otherwise, you may deal with structural damage in the future. Avoid spending unnecessarily on future damages by dealing with them right now. Ensure which repairs need your immediate attention and call experts to evaluate the property to check if it is intact structurally. Prioritize which repairs can't wait, and don't spend on unwanted overhauls.

4.       Put some toiletries

One of the primary aspects of setting up a property involves getting comfortable in the new space, and setting up your bathroom helps do that. Put your bathroom essentials, i.e., toothbrush, toilet paper, and the necessary meds, in the cabinets. Ensure the plumbing is working fine and the toilet flushes perfectly. If you find plumbing problems, you should have that issue fixed before your family comes home.

5.       Child-proof the house

If you have moved into a house with a child, make some necessary safety arrangements first. A house isn't ready for a family with kids until it's been child-proofed properly. If you have pets, then it is still essential to make the home safe. Here's how you can pet-proof or child-proof the house:

·         Create a separate zone for them

·         Cover up all the outlets in the house

·         Put gates before dangerous no-go zones in the house

·         Instead of stacking boxes on top of each other, speak them out

·         Close all windows, hide sharp objects and install cabinet knocks

6.       Change the locks

You don't know who else has a copy of the house key. So, it's better to change the locks after taking possession of the property. Similarly, it is vital to secure your house by getting new locks. Take extra security measures if you can, e.g., installing surveillance cameras. These tips can save your home from intruders and prevent damage to your property or belongings.

7.       Set up utilities

Don't forget to have your utilities disconnected at least a few days before leaving the old house. You should enable, on the other hand, these utilities in the new home sometime before relocating. Moving to a place without gas, water, or electricity is a bad idea. Other less essential utilities can wait, but these necessary connections must be your priority. Also, ensure your cable, phone, and internet connections are working correctly. Tell your employer about the change of address.

8.       Unpack your essentials

Unpacking your belongings after arriving at your new home can be exciting. However, homeowners often make the mistake of unpacking everything other than their essentials. But it causes the house to become cluttered, and mismanagement prevails. So, remember to unpack your essentials first.

These essentials may include your: toiletries, medicine, cleaning supplies, mobile/laptop charges, and a change of clothing, among other necessary stuff.


Setting up your new house involves changing the locks, repainting the place, and switching all utilities to the new address. Start with deep-cleaning the house or asking professionals to tidy it up properly. Bring your stuff to your new location and store it in self-storage units for safekeeping while the house is being set up for your arrival. You may need to repair the place and unpack your essentials first. So, these easy tips can help ensure your new residence is ready when your family moves in with you.

6 Ways To Use Self-Storage For Home Improvement Projects


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Are you planning a home improvement project in Pacheco but don’t know where to store your prized possessions while work is ongoing? Well, you’re at the right place. Self-storage units are perfect for keeping your home clutter-free while renovations are underway.

Pacheco is a small city in Contra Costa County, California, known for its picturesque downtown and proximity to the beautiful Mount Diablo State Park. And with numerous self-storage options available, Pacheco makes it convenient for those looking to keep their home improvement project organized and stress-free.

In this blog, we’ll discuss six ways to use self-storage for home improvement projects in Pacheco. Keep reading to learn more!

Storing tools and equipment

If you’re planning a home improvement project, you’ll likely need a wide range of tools and equipment. From power tools to hand tools and ladders, it can be difficult to find a place to store them all. Rather than cluttering up your garage or basement with tools you only use occasionally, consider renting a self-storage unit in Pacheco.

The city offers a variety of self-storage options, with facilities that are easily accessible and conveniently located. Whether you’re looking for a small unit to store a few tools or a large unit to store furniture and renovation materials, Pacheco has it. To find one, look up Pacheco self-storage near me, and you’ll get numerous options available in your area.

Upon renting a suitable self-storage unit, you’ll have easy access to your tools whenever needed. They won’t take up valuable space in your home, not to mention the added protection from wear and tear and increased lifespan.

Storing furniture

Remodeling your room can be stressful, especially if you don’t plan. For any remodel, you’ll need to move the furniture out of the way. Instead of cramming everything into a spare room, you should rent a self-storage unit. This will make it easier to move around during the refashion and protect your furniture from any damage that may occur during the project.

Furniture can be heavy and bulky, so you may want to choose a unit with wide drive-up access or a loading dock for easy loading and unloading. You can use furniture covers or moving blankets to protect your furniture from scratches or dings. This will ensure that your furniture remains in good condition while in storage.

Storing materials

Home improvement projects often require a lot of materials, such as lumber, drywall, and paint. These materials can take up a lot of space in your home, especially if you’re working on a big project. Renting a self-storage unit can give you a convenient place to store these materials so that you can keep your home clutter-free.

You can choose a unit with drive-up access for easy loading and unloading of heavy materials. To make finding the materials you need easier, you can stack them in a logical order, such as by size or type. For instance, you can stack all the 2x4s together and all the drywall sheets together, making it easy to find what you need.

Storing seasonal items

When it comes to home improvement projects, it is often best to pursue them during the warmer months. But that doesn’t mean that you should have to get rid of all of your winter gear. Consider renting a self-storage unit to keep your seasonal items in. This will free up space in your home and make it easier to find the items you want when you need them.

Ideally, you can opt for a climate-controlled unit that will protect your items from extreme temperature and humidity. You can use clear plastic containers or bins to store your seasonal items. You can also label the containers or bins with the type of items that are inside for your convenience.

Storing documents and records

Undoubtedly, home improvement projects entail a lot of paperwork, including permits and contracts. Misplaced documents can cause a lot of trouble, so renting a self-storage unit is advisable. This will keep things organized while ensuring your documents are safe from elements.

Consider opting for a climate-controlled unit, which will protect your documents from environmental elements and pests. It’s a good idea to use a fireproof and waterproof box to store your important documents and records. Hence, it will ensure that they are protected in any emergency.

Storing landscaping materials

Pursuing a landscaping project can be hectic because you’ll need to deal with dust and dirt. Materials like soil, mulch, and pavers are often required during such projects. These landscaping materials can stick to your shoes and spread all over your living space, especially if you’re storing them in your garage or basement.

Renting a self-storage unit can solve this problem since your materials will be safe and out of the way until you’re ready to use them. Additionally, storing landscaping materials in a self-storage unit can also help protect them from moisture.


In conclusion, self-storage units are a great solution for managing the clutter and disorganization that comes with home improvement projects. From storing tools and equipment to seasonal items and excess materials, self-storage can help keep your home systematized and stress-free. Happy renovating!

Saturday 28 January 2023

Clif Thins The Perfect Snack For Outdoor Enthusiasts

As a busy family that gets outdoors on a regular basis we are always looking for healthy snacks that are low in sugar. We try to avoid the sugar crash with our kids if we can because it really puts a damper on your plans later on. We were thrilled when we were asked to try Clif Thins! 

Clif Thins are a cookie/cracker type bar with much less sugar, salt and fatty ingredients to keep you energized throughout the day. They are lightweight and tasty making them the perfect snack for hiking, biking, camping or any other outdoor activity that requires very little baggage with the best and most powerful energy bursts! 

While I preferred the White Chocolate Macadamia Nut flavour my kids enjoyed the chocolate chip. There are other flavours and styles of Clif Bars we are excited to try next! 

Whether you're heading out for a hike, outdoor workout, or are a busy professional trying to get through the day, grabbing a snack that is both fulfilling and tasty will fuel you! Packed with essential calories and nutrients, all-new CLIF® Thins are the perfect addition to your bag or pantry.

The latest launch from the leading maker of nutritious snacks, CLIF Thins are a crispy, crunchy take on the original CLIF BAR, intended for everyday snacking. Will be available nationwide at Canadian retailers, this snack is made with plant-based ingredients and has only 100 calories and 5 grams of sugar per pack. With flavours like Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Peanut Brownie andWhite Chocolate Macadamia Nut, you won’t resist grabbing these snacks for a quick bite before tackling whatever your day brings.

CLIF Thins

Inspired by the craveable CLIF BAR flavours you know and love, CLIF Thins are made with whole ingredients like organic oats and are baked until perfectly crisp. With 2 Thins and 100 calories per pack, they're a great pick-me-up for morning yoga classes, afternoons around town, or whatever adventure comes next.

·       Plant-based energy snack bar 
·       100-110 calories, containing a unique blend of carbohydrates for energy
·       Organic and non-GMO
·       Made with organic ingredients, including local Canadian organic oats   
·       Available in Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Peanut Brownie and White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
·       MSRP: is at the sole discretion of the retailer
·       Product Availability: at major drug, grocery, and convenience retailers across Canada

When we go hiking we like to bring the healthiest and most energizing snacks and drinks like:

Fruit and veggies
Iced Tea 
Clif Bars 

What do you like to pack when you go hiking or on outdoor adventures? 

Check out this great piece on our hike The City On The Edge Of Forever!

Follow us Instagram and Pinterest for more amazing adventures, frugal tips and tricks and so much more! 

Friday 27 January 2023

Cooking the Perfect Turkey [Wth Calculator]

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With 2022's holidays in the rearview mirror, it's time to look ahead to easier, tastier cooking in 2023. If your New Year's resolution involves saving time and spending more of it enjoying home-cooked meals with your family, we've got you covered with a fuss-free guide to nailing the elusive turkey cooking time.

What you'll need

Before you get started, here are a few things you'll need to thaw and cook that turkey:

  • Roasting pan/rack

  • Meat thermometer

  • Knife, carving fork, tongs or preferred carving tools

  • Turkey baster

  • Cutting board (at least a few inches bigger than the turkey on each side)

  • Preferred brine, rub, seasonings and cooking oils

Timing your turkey

[Download cooking time chart]

If you've ever had to do complex turkey-cooking math to guess how long to bake or grill a turkey, you know it can be a little more art than science. You think you've got the perfect timing and heat level for the size, weight and amount of stuffing in the bird, but somehow it still comes out undercooked or a little dry.

There's a better way: let a turkey cooking calculator do what calculators do best, and do the math for you! All you have to do is enter the weight, whether it's stuffed or unstuffed and the desired doneness, and voila, you've got your cooking time.

But what about thawing?

Thawing times are just as important as cooking times. If you cook a turkey that hasn't been thoroughly thawed, you risk leaving interior parts undercooked as the exterior gets overcooked. If you thaw too aggressively, you could be serving up your turkey with a side of bacteria.

Here are two methods for thawing your frozen turkey depending on how much time you have.

[Download thawing time chart]

Option 1: Refrigerator

If you've got a few days' lead time before cooking, this is the safest and easiest thawing method.

  • Step 1: Leave the turkey in its packaging.

  • Step 2: Transfer the turkey to your refrigerator.

  • Step 3: Let the turkey thaw for 24 hours per 4-5 pounds.

Option 2: Submerge in water

A little shorter on time? Resist the temptation to leave your turkey on the counter overnight! Instead, you can submerge it in cold water (repeat: cold, not warm) for several hours instead.

  • Step 1: Get a container big enough to hold the turkey and a good amount of water.

  • Step 2: Drop the turkey into the container.

  • Step 3: Fill the container with cold water.

  • Step 4: Dump the water and replenish with fresh water every 30 minutes.

  • Step 5: Repeat every 30 minutes per pound of turkey.

Closing turkey-cooking tips

Ready to ring in the new year with a feast? Here are a few final considerations for ensuring your turkey cooks efficiently and deliciously:

  • Plan for roughly one pound of turkey per person.

  • Add the thawing time into your cooking plans.

  • Try incorporating brines and rubs.

  • Save those leftovers for making stock or broth!

The main point of making a giant meal is sharing it with loved ones. The less time you spend planning for your meal, the more time you have to spend with the people you're cooking for!