Thursday 27 April 2023

Empowering gardeners of all levels with expert knowledge for thriving gardens


Do you ever find yourself looking enviously at the thriving gardens of your friends and neighbours, wondering if your garden could reach such heights? Or are you simply looking to learn more about gardening in general? If so, worry not, as we're here to provide expert knowledge to help beginner and seasoned gardeners grow healthier plants and achieve beautiful, thriving gardens. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore essential gardening techniques, discuss essential tools, and look at common gardening mistakes to avoid in order for you to unlock your full gardening potential.

Understanding Basic Plant Needs

Before diving into specific gardening techniques, it's essential to understand the basic needs of plants. All plants require sunlight, water, nutrients, and proper growing conditions to thrive. When selecting and caring for plants, keep these fundamental requirements in mind.

gardener cranbourne

- Sunlight: Most plants need adequate sunlight daily to thrive. Consider the sun's position throughout the day and where it hits your garden area.
- Water: Different plants have different water requirements. Be sure to understand the specific needs of your plants and adapt your watering regimen accordingly.
- Nutrients: Plants require essential nutrients to grow and thrive. Healthy soil is critical, as it provides plants with the nutrients, they need to be strong and healthy.
- Growing Conditions: Consider factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind when selecting plants suitable for your garden.

Choosing the Right Plants for Your Garden

Once you understand basic plant needs, the next step is selecting the right plants for your garden. To ensure success, take into consideration aspects such as climate, soil type, and the amount of sunlight your garden receives. Visit local nurseries and garden centers for expert advice on which plants are suitable for your specific growing conditions.

Soil Care and Preparation

Healthy soil is the foundation of any thriving garden. Understanding your soil type and how to improve it is crucial. Conduct a soil test to determine its pH levels, nutrient content, and other characteristics. Based on the results, you can amend the soil as needed to provide the proper balance of nutrients for your plants. Common soil amendments include lime (for acidic soils), sulfur (for alkaline soils), compost, and slow-release organic fertilizers.

Watering Techniques and Strategies

An essential aspect of gardening is understanding how and when to water your plants. Overwatering can cause root rot, while underwatering can lead to wilt and plant stress. To ensure your plants receive the proper amount of water:

- Use a moisture meter to determine the soil's moisture level.
- Water early in the morning or late in the day to reduce evaporation.
- Use a soaker hose or drip irrigation system to deliver water directly to the soil around the plant roots.
- Adjust your watering schedule based on the season, weather conditions, and the specific water needs of your plants.

Proper Use of Fertilizers and Other Soil Amendments

Fertilizers and other soil amendments can significantly improve your garden's overall health and productivity. However, improper use can lead to nutrient imbalances and other issues. Keep the following tips in mind:

- Always follow application instructions for fertilizers and amendments.
- Use organic, slow-release fertilizers to improve soil health and avoid polluting waterways.
- Regularly test your soil to determine nutrient levels and adjust your fertilizing regimen accordingly.

Pruning, Mulching, and Other Forms of Garden Care

Regular maintenance is crucial for a thriving garden. Some essential garden care tasks include:

- Pruning: Regularly removing dead or damaged branches, as well as overgrown or crossing stems, promotes healthy growth and helps prevent disease.
- Mulching: Adding a layer of organic mulch around plants helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
- Pest and disease control: Regularly inspecting plants for signs of pests or disease is crucial. Address issues with organic or chemical treatments as needed.

Using Essential Gardening Tools

Proper gardening tools are critical for efficient and effective garden care. Some essential tools include:

- Shovels and spades: For digging and turning soil
- Pruners and loppers: For trimming branches and stems
- Rakes and hoes: For soil preparation, weed removal, and debris cleanup
- Trowels and dibblers: For planting and transplanting smaller plants


Common Gardening Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure the success of your garden, avoid these common gardening mistakes:

- Planting too closely together: Overcrowding can lead to poor air circulation and increased disease issues. Be sure to give your plants ample space to grow.
- Ignoring soil health: Test your soil regularly and amend as needed to provide the best growing conditions for your plants.
- Overwatering: Use a moisture meter and follow your plants' specific water requirements to avoid overwatering.

Continuing Your Gardening Education

Lastly, never stop learning about gardening. Seek out workshops, gardening clubs, and online resources to further your gardening knowledge and skills. The more you learn and practice, the more successful and rewarding your gardening experience will be.


Empowering yourself with expert gardening knowledge is essential to achieving success in your garden. By understanding the basic needs of plants, choosing the right plants for your specific conditions, and implementing proper garden care techniques, you can unlock your full gardening potential and create the healthy, thriving garden of your dreams. Remember that patience and persistence are key components of gardening success, and with time and practice, you can grow a beautiful, bountiful garden. Happy gardening!

5 Ways to Deal With Taxes and IRS

As much as you hate paying taxes, it’s something you can’t escape from. IRS aggressively pursues anyone who owes the government money, and they’ll come knocking at your door sooner than later. 

According to the organization, they had 14 million open cases in 2018 alone. The most concerning piece of information is they’ve increased the number of cases against taxpayers with incomes below $25,000. In other words, the fact that you don’t earn much doesn’t save you from this notorious agency.
Still, it's not the end of the world, even if you owe a lot of money to the government. There are ways you can tackle the problem, reduce the tax liability and stay away from jail. In this article, we talk about 5 ways to deal with the IRS and come out on top.

1. Address the issue 
The worst thing you can do is let the problem simmer. As we’ve just mentioned, IRS has been more aggressive in the last few years, increasing the number of cases against both high and low earners. 

Whatever the case, you should report your earning at the agency. Even if you’re unable to pay your taxes, you should at least look for an extension. Otherwise, you’ll have to tackle penalties for late filing, which can go all the way to 25%. 
Aside from late filing, you also need to pay attention to underpayments. Trying to bamboozle IRS will come back to bite you, and you'll have to deal with a similar penalty that goes up to 25%. In fact, most people are shocked by how quickly their taxes rise.

2. Use financial misfortune
If you're a rich person who just wants to make a profit off of the government, you're in for a rough ride. However, if you're suffering a true financial misfortune, IRS might give you a helping hand.

Taxpayers have the option of filling out Form 656. By submitting this document, there's a chance the IRS will write off a part of your debt (presuming financial struggles). High healthcare expenses, low income, and diminished job opportunities are just a few things that can make you eligible. 
Still, IRS rarely forgives debts. So, while you can apply for a reduction, we suggest that you don’t get your hopes up.

3. Hire an attorney
The potential punishment increases with the debt. As mentioned, it isn’t uncommon for people owing big bucks to end up in prison. Whatever the case might be, we suggest you hire a tax relief attorney for any debts above $10,000. 

These professionals know how to negotiate with the agency. They might not get you off the hook for payment, but they might help you stay away from jail. Furthermore, a savvy attorney can help reprogram the debt making the payment more feasible. 

Another benefit of tax attorneys is that they can help you avoid a tax lien. That way, you can settle the score with IRS without suffering any damage to your credit score. Be sure to research into local tax attorneys so you can find the right one for you. Alternatively, you can search online using your location, for example "Tax Attorney Portland OR", if you need to find one faster.

4. Settle minor debt
If your debt is below $10,000, you don’t even have to hire a lawyer. Instead, we suggest you head out to the nearby IRS office and settle the case yourself. In these situations, hiring a lawyer is usually counterproductive as it might cost you more than you can save. 

A taxpayer can access Form 9465 online. This is a document that allows you to pay off your taxes in installments. The specialists will take a look at your case and create a plan that will make it easier to settle the debt. 
Keep in mind you can only use this form if you owe less than $10,000. Applying for a plan allows you to stretch the payment over 36 months, during which you'll need to pay off the basis plus interest and penalties.

5. Streamlined agreement
Ideally, you should be gunning for a streamlined installment agreement. This is a type of settlement geared toward larger debts. You can apply to a streamlined agreement if you owe the government up to $100,000. 

A taxpayer needs to file for previous tax returns and shouldn't be a part of any other IRS payment plan in the last five years. A streamlined agreement also doesn't work if you're in the process of bankruptcy. 

If you're able to close this agreement, you can gain some major benefits. For example, IRS might stretch your payment over 84 months. With a waiver, it might go even longer. And if you agree to payroll deduction or direct debit plan, the IRS won’t use tax lied. 

7 Effective Ways to Save Money on Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

The joys of owning a home often get dulled by the pressure of paying a mortgage. The amount can vary depending on the total amount and duration of the mortgage, but it eats up a large chunk of the monthly budget for everyone. If you’re a new homeowner worried about paying mortgages, we have good news. There are several ways to save money on your monthly mortgage payment which can reduce the overall cost of your mortgage. Below, we have listed seven such strategies. Let's take a look.

Choose a shorter-term loan

A shorter term might sound frightening to you as it requires you to pay more interest every month. But since the overall duration of the loan is shorter, you pay much less in interest overall and save more in the long run.

However, consult your budget to ensure that you can accommodate the short-term interest amount as they tend to be higher. You might also have to pass a rigorous screening process to be eligible for one. But once you do the math and the amount of money you get to save, the process seems worth it.

Choose a fixed-rate mortgage

A fixed-rate mortgage is a better option than an adjustable-rate mortgage. The interest rate stays fixed in the former, whereas the interest rate fluctuates based on the market condition in the latter. With a fixed-rate mortgage, your expenditure is stable and certain, and your budget remains unaffected. Moreover, fixed-rate mortgages often come with lower interest rates than adjustable-rate mortgages. This also helps with your long-term savings plan.

However, research well before choosing this option, especially if you're planning to sell your house in the future. In that case, an adjustable-rate mortgage will be better suited for you.

Refinance your mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage is another effective way to save money on your monthly mortgage payment. Refinancing a mortgage means taking out a new loan to pay off your existing mortgage. By doing so, you can negotiate a new interest rate and loan terms, which can result in lower monthly payments and long-term savings.

Research well and check your financial condition before deciding to go for this option. Many factors will affect your eligibility, such as your credit score, your intended duration of stay in this house, and the refinancing fees. Find the best interest rates and loan terms to reduce the chances of potential losses in interest.

There are usually two types of refinancing: rate-and-term and cash-out. “Clearly there are different goals borrowers have in mind, as well as qualifications to meet when deciding between these two types of home loan choices,” says Option Funding Inc, a Westlake refinance company.

Make extra payments

Making extra payments might not be your favorite option, but this reduces the amount of interest you pay over the life of your loan. Since you’re paying more than the required amount, you’re paying off your mortgage faster. This leads to long-term savings in the interest amount.

Consult your budget to figure out what kind of extra payment you can afford. You can pay a fixed extra amount every month or pay a lump-sum amount whenever you have access to that money. It could come from any valid and legal income source.

However, some mortgages have prepayment penalties or restrictions on extra payment. So, check with your lender to see if you’re allowed to pay extra.

Increase credit score

A credit score is an important factor in determining your eligibility for a mortgage. Your interest rate is also based on it. A higher credit score will fetch you a lower interest rate, whereas a bad or low credit score will get you a higher interest rate. Try to increase your credit score by paying bills on time, reducing loans and all debts, and keeping your credit report error-free. This can take some time, but once you obtain the required credit score or a positive credit report, you can enjoy a lower interest rate and save thousands of dollars in mortgage over the duration of the loan.

Appeal to lower your property taxes

Property taxes can vary based on the value of your property. If your property has been overvalued, you’ll end up spending more on your monthly mortgage payment. In that case, you can appeal to have your property taxes reduced and save some money on the interest payment. Collect evidence that indicates an overvaluation - such as documents of recent appraisals or assessments of similar properties in your area.

The appeal can take some time and require an attorney or a professional. Do your study and be patient throughout the process. The appeal process, eligibility, and required documents can vary by state or location, so check with your local authority to understand everything thoroughly before appealing. The more accuracy, the better the chances of getting approved.

Eliminate Private Mortgage Insurance

Your lender might require you to buy Private Mortgage Insurance or PMI if your down payment is less than 20% of the total value. A PMI protects the lender in case you ever default on your loan. But it ends up adding an extra cost of around 0.3%-1.5% of the loan amount to your monthly mortgage payment. Needless to say, you pay a lot more in interest under such circumstances. One way to reduce this amount is to eliminate the PMI. The easiest way to do this is to make a larger down payment than 20%. You can also turn your loan-to-value ratio to 80% or less to have the same effect. Your lender might have other specific requirements for removing the PMI, so check with them to increase your chances.

You can definitely buy your home frugally, but end up spending a lot more in interest if you don’t have enough knowledge about the loan terms and added expenditures. You can follow some or all of the abovementioned strategies to reduce the interest amount and save a significant amount of money.


Home Safety Tips for Families With Young Children

Two children playing beside a glass window.

 Safety is one of the primary things parents must provide to their children. Your home is the first place to ensure the safety of your child. You want it to be their safe haven. Children (especially young ones) are naturally curious and tend to explore their surroundings, which can sometimes lead to accidents. Therefore it is crucial to take proactive steps to create a safe home environment for your family. Let’s cover some essential home safety tips for families with young children to keep your little ones safe!

Little boy trying to climb up a stair gate.

Secure your home

Securing your home is one of the best ways to prevent accidents in the house and make your home healthy and safe for your family. Start with basics – make sure that all windows and doors are locked and have secure locks that are out of reach of children. Use baby gates to block off areas that may be hazardous to your child, such as staircases, fireplaces, or rooms with delicate items. Also, keep all dangerous items, such as cleaning supplies, medications, and sharp objects, out of reach and locked away.

Another critical aspect of securing your home is ensuring all furniture is secure. Children can climb on the table and accidentally tip it over, which can cause serious injuries. Use furniture anchors to secure heavy items such as bookcases, dressers, and televisions to the wall to prevent them from tipping over.

Be cautious of electrical outlets

Electrical outlets can pose a severe danger to young children, who may try to stick their fingers or objects into them. To prevent electrical shock, use outlet covers or childproof plugs to cover all electrical outlets within the reach of children. Also, avoid running chords under carpets and furniture, which can cause tripping hazards.

Teach your child about electrical safety, and explain to them that they should never stick objects into electrical outlets. Also, teach them to ask for help when they need to plug in or unplug an item. And your job is to monitor electricity and be aware of potential warning signs that could mean it is time to call an electrician.
A girl playing on the bed

Ensure safe sleeping arrangements

Securing the bedroom is one of the crucial home safety tips for families with young children. Infants and young children need to have a safe sleeping environment. Always place babies to sleep on their backs on a firm, flat surface with a tight-fitting sheet. Remove soft objects, such as pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals, from the crib to prevent suffocation hazards. Also, ensure that the crib meets safety standards and that the mattress fits tightly in the frame.

As your child grows and transitions to a toddler bed, ensure that the mattress is low to the ground and has secure railings to prevent falls. Avoid placing heavy objects or furniture near the bed, which can pose a hazard. Make sure that your child’s room is free of any cords or things that could become entangled around their neck, such as window blinds or cords from electronic devices.
A woman wearing a helmet to a child

Supervise outdoor playtime

Outdoor playtime is essential for children’s physical and emotional well-being. Still, it is crucial to ensure that your child is safe while they are outside. Always supervise your child when playing outdoors. Ensure they play in a secure area, free of hazards like sharp objects or uneven terrain.

Make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and that they are wearing appropriate safety gear such as helmets. Knee pads and elbow pads when riding bicycles, scooters, or skateboards. Teach your child about traffic safety, and always supervise them when playing near or crossing the road. This is especially important if you have recently moved to the neighborhood. As experts at advise, you and your children should take some time after relocation to adapt to new surroundings. Providing extra supervision and care is desirable when they go outside.

Kitchen safety

The kitchen is often the heart of the home, but it could also be dangerous for young children. It is a place where you want to pay extra attention to stay aware of security mistakes you could be making. To keep your child safe when cooking, use back burners on the stove and keep all pot handles turned inward to prevent accidental spills. Keep all sharp objects, such as knives and scissors, out of reach of children, and use childproof locks on cabinets and drawers that contain hazardous items. 

Teaching your children about kitchen safety is essential. Encourage them to stay away from the kitchen while you are cooking and always ask for help when needed. Explain the dangers of hot surfaces, and never touch the stove or oven when used.

Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are essential safety devices for any home. Smoke detectors will alert you to smoke, which can indicate a fire. In contrast, carbon monoxide detectors will alert you to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in the air. Install these detectors on every level of your home and in each bedroom to ensure maximum protection. It is also essential to check these devices regularly to ensure they function correctly. Replace batteries and test the alarms every six months to ensure they work perfectly.

Additional tips

Additional safety: To ensure your valuable possessions children should not have access to, consider looking for safe storage units in Lynwood. Since it provides extra security, renting storage could be better than storing stuff in the attic, basement, or garage. 

In case of emergency: It is crucial to be prepared for emergencies. Keep a well-stocked first-aid kit in your home, and ensure all family members know how to use it. Create a plan for emergencies, such as a fire or severe weather, and practice it with your family. Ensure that all family members know where to go and what to do in these situations.


By following this guide on home safety tips for families with young children, you will be peaceful and sure you have kept your children and the entire family safe and protected. Accidents can always happen, but by implementing the right prevention strategies, you can be assured the chances remain minimal.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Bathroom Cabinet

Think about your morning routine: You wake up, groggily stumble your way to the bathroom, brush your teeth, and start your day. Now imagine if your bathroom was a chaotic mess, with half-empty bottles of shampoo and toiletries sprawled everywhere with no organization. A cluttered bathroom is a nightmare to navigate, making a good bathroom cabinet essential for any well-organized bathroom.

In this ultimate guide, we'll help you choose the perfect bathroom cabinet to not only suit your organizational needs but also match the style of your bathroom. Keep reading to learn about different types of cabinets, space-saving solutions, and storage tips. Let's make your bathroom a beautiful and functional space!

Bathroom Cabinet

1. Understanding Your Bathroom Cabinet Needs

Before diving into design styles and different types of cabinets, take a moment to consider what you need from your bathroom cabinet. Ask yourself the following questions:

- What items do you need to store in your bathroom?

- Do you want a combination of open and closed storage?

- How much space do you require for your items?

- What is the size of your bathroom?

- Are you limited to a specific budget?

By answering these questions, you can start narrowing down your options and focus on finding the perfect bathroom cabinet tailored to your needs.

2. Exploring Different Types of Bathroom Cabinets

There are various types of bathroom cabinets that cater to different preferences and needs. Some popular choices include:

Vanity Units:

These are cabinets that house the sink and often come with built-in storage. A bathroom vanity offers a functional and space-saving solution, especially in small bathrooms.

Wall-mounted Cabinets:

These cabinets are mounted to the wall, freeing up valuable floor space. Wall-mounted cabinets come in various styles and sizes, making them an excellent solution for bathrooms with limited storage options.

Freestanding Cabinets:

These standalone cabinets are not attached to the wall or vanity and can be easily moved around. If you're looking for flexibility and easy access, a freestanding cabinet might be right for you.

Medicine Cabinets:

These small cabinets are designed to store medicines, first-aid items, and toiletries. Many medicine cabinets come with a mirror, making them an ideal choice for storage and grooming.

3. Space-Saving Solutions for Small Bathrooms

If you're short on square footage, don't worry! There are plenty of space-saving solutions available, such as:

Corner Cabinets:

These cabinets are designed to fit snugly in the corner, utilizing space that might otherwise be wasted.

Over-the-Toilet Storage:

Installing cabinets or shelves above the toilet is an excellent way to use vertical space while keeping items within reach.

Slim Cabinets:

These tall, narrow cabinets offer storage without taking up too much floor space, making them perfect for small bathrooms.

Remember, when it comes to storage in a compact bathroom, thinking vertically is the key!

4. Materials and Styles to Consider

Bathroom cabinets come in a variety of materials, finishes, and styles, so you can find the perfect one that matches your home's decor. Here are some popular options:


Wood cabinets add warmth and elegance to your bathroom. They are available in various finishes, including oak, cherry, and walnut.


Stainless steel and aluminum cabinets offer durability and contemporary style.


Glass-front cabinets give your bathroom a modern and airy look while allowing you to display attractive toiletries.

In terms of style, consider whether you prefer a traditional, modern, or minimalist aesthetic. Sleek lines, glossy finishes, and simple hardware are hallmarks of a contemporary look, while intricate details, ornate knobs, and warm wood tones are characteristic of a traditional style. Ultimately, your choice will depend on your personal preference and the overall style of your home.

Bathroom Cabinet

5. Installation Tips and Tricks

Once you've chosen the perfect bathroom cabinet, it's time to install it! Here are some helpful tips for a seamless installation:

Measure twice, buy once:

Before purchasing your cabinet, double-check the dimensions to ensure it will fit in your space and leave enough room for the door to open.

Consider professional installation:

If you're not confident in your DIY skills, hiring a professional to install your cabinet will ensure it's done correctly.

Attach your cabinet securely:

Wall-mounted cabinets should be secured to wall studs for stability. Use appropriate hardware and brackets to keep your cabinet firmly in place.

6. Maintaining Your Bathroom Cabinet

To keep your bathroom cabinet looking and functioning its best, consider the following maintenance tips:

- Regularly clean your cabinet with a mild soap and soft cloth to remove dirt and grime.

- Avoid using abrasive cleaners or materials that can damage the cabinet's finish.

- Repair or replace damaged hardware, such as hinges, knobs, and pulls, to keep the unit functioning correctly and looking its best.


In conclusion, it might seem daunting to find the perfect bathroom cabinet to suit your needs, but with careful consideration and research, you can create a functional and stylish space that makes getting ready each morning a breeze. Remember to consider your storage needs, available space, and preferred style when selecting the ideal bathroom cabinet for your home. By choosing the right cabinet, you'll enhance your bathroom's organization and create a space that feels inviting and serene. Good luck on your journey to the perfect bathroom cabinet!

Wednesday 26 April 2023

43Therapy Cold Therapy Temperature Regulating Pad

If you are anything like me you have to use ice packs on a regular basis not only for my own pain treatment but for children’s bumps and bruises. I used to just take a piece of paper towel or a small cloth to use in between the ice pack and the skin but there is a new and improved way to use ice packs. 

43therapy temperature regulating pad is a new product that helps to evenly distribute cold and it even wraps tightly around the skin in a comfortable way. The temperature regulation pad that is used when icing your skin for all types of injuries from sprains, strains, bites and breaks. It prevents the temperature of the cold source on your skin from going below 43 degree Fahrenheit which is in the therapeutic temperature range. 

The silicone pad Allows you to ice for as long as you want as it won’t get so cold you have to take the cold source off. Leaving the cold source on longer decreases inflammation and pain quicker which ultimately heals faster. 20 min on/20 min off only exits so you don’t do further damage and have discomfort from the cold source. Icing for longer is ultimately better and promotes better healing. 

I absolutely love how simple the pad is to use and keep clean even if it gets dirty. Simple wash it with soap and water and dry it out before putting it in it’s cool carrying case. 

This product makes it easy to ice small injuries and big ones no matter what age the injured person is. I used it for my arm after mixing concrete for hours the other day and it really helped relieve the tension and pain in my arm. My baby Beans sat with me while I iced my arm, she loves to be wherever I am especially if I have a boo-boo. 

Follow us on Instagram to see our fun and frugal adventures! We are a wild nature loving family of 5 saving to buy a home with our two ferrets and cat! We live in the beautiful Okanagan where things aren’t cheap by any means but it sure is worth the view. 

Check out how we have been saving and living our best lives by following us on Pinterest! We create our own path, make our own future, and choose to appreciate what we have! 

We are always looking to share our financial experiences while raising a family and running our own businesses. We used to be terrible with money and now we are very financially successful and responsible. We love to use credit cards believe it or not and they can actually have many benefits if used correctly. We have dug ourselves out of debt in a huge way over the last 5 years and always want to help others do the same. Take some of our amazing tips and make a better life for you and your loved ones. Don’t forget to look at the best credit card for cashback!

Tuesday 25 April 2023

Ways to keep birds from flying into your windows

We have a huge front window in our living room. It is great for letting the sun in and watching the snow fall, the leaves change colour, and watching the birds eat from our feeders! The only problem with this great big window is that the birds get startled by the trucks and motorcycles  going by and then smack into the window.

A few birds have died which is tragic but we have been working on solutions to void injuries and deaths with our little feathered friends. 

Here is a robin I had to collect before he got eaten by the neighborhood kitties. He took a break in the gazebo and then flew off with mommy robin!


You can get some very nice decals for your window to show the poor birds there is a window there for them to avoid. They come in a bunch of different styles and colours depending on what you want. I like the birds and the flowers but the hummingbirds are my favourite decals of all!

Hanging Decor

We have hung spinning decorations for the garden in our trees in a variety of bright colour and the reflection has deterred birds for a long time. We usually find these great decoration pieces at the dollars store for less than $2. You can get fancier ones but there is no point since it is such a simple decoration for a simple purpose. But if you want a higher quality version you can get this beautiful metal spinning decoration on Amazon. 

Reflective Tape

Using reflective tape is a great way to deter birds from a long list of places including your gazebo, garage, and garden. You can find lots of different reflective tapes in all kinds of colours online or in hardware stores. I really like this reflective tape because it is very sticky but comes off easily when you want to remove it. 

This poor little guy hit yesterday so I moved him to a safe spot and watched him fly away within an hour or so. 

Follow us on Instagram & Pinterest for more amazing information on running a home daycare and raising a frugal family with adorable pets in between! 

We are always looking to share our financial experiences while raising a family and running our own businesses. We used to be terrible with money and now we are very financially successful and responsible. We love to use credit cards believe it or not and they can actually have many benefits if used correctly. We have dug ourselves out of debt in a huge way over the last 5 years and always want to help others do the same. Take some of our amazing tips and make a better life for you and your loved ones. Don’t forget to look at the best credit card for cashback!

Monday 24 April 2023

Types Of Stand Up Paddle Boards You Should Know

Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) is becoming one of the fastest-growing water sports in the world. It is a fun, low-impact way to stay in shape, explore the water, and spend quality time with family and friends. But with so many types of stand up paddleboards on the market, how do you choose the best one for your needs? Whether you're a beginner, an experienced paddler, or someone looking to try a new watersport, there's an SUP for everyone.

In this article, we will discuss different types and advantages of stand up paddleboards, including inflatable SUPs, all-around SUPs, surf SUPs, race SUPs, yoga SUPs, fishing SUPs, touring SUPs, and kids SUPs, so you can find the perfect board to fit your paddling lifestyle.

1. Inflatable SUP

An inflatable SUP is perfect for those with limited storage space or who need a board they can easily transport. Thanks to new drop-stitch technology, these boards can handle the same amount of pressure as their hardshell counterparts without sacrificing performance. Inflatable SUPs are ideal for beginners, as they offer more stability and are less likely to cause injury if the paddler falls. In addition, inflatable SUPs are suitable for various water conditions, from flat water to small waves.

Pros of Inflatable SUP:

- Portable and easy to store

- Beginner-friendly

- Versatile for different water conditions

Cons of Inflatable SUP:

- May not perform as well as hardshell boards in certain conditions

- Can be more susceptible to punctures or damage

2. All-Around SUP

An all-around SUP is exactly what it sounds like: a versatile board designed to handle various water conditions and activities. They're typically wider, longer, and more stable than other SUPs, making them perfect for beginners or those who plan on using their board for a variety of activities. These boards are great for flat water paddling, small wave surfing, fitness, and yoga.

Pros of All-Around SUP:

- Versatile and suitable for various activities

- Beginner-friendly

- More stable than other SUPs

Cons of All-Around SUP:

- May not be the best option for specific activities like racing or surfing large waves

3. Surf SUP

Surf SUPs are designed explicitly for catching and riding waves. They have a more rocker (upward curve) on the nose and tail for better wave maneuverability. These boards are typically shorter and less stable than other SUPs, making them more suitable for experienced paddlers who are confident in their balance.

Pros of Surf SUP:

- Designed for wave riding

- Better maneuverability in waves

- Exciting and challenging

Cons of Surf SUP:

- Less stable than other SUPs

- Suitable only for experienced paddlers

4. Race SUP

A race SUP is designed for speed and efficiency in mind. They are typically longer and narrower than other SUPs, allowing them to cut through the water quickly. Race boards come in different shapes and materials, but the most common ones are displacement hulls made of lightweight carbon fiber. These boards are meant for advanced paddlers looking to compete in races or achieve personal best times.

Pros of Race SUP:

- Built for speed

- Suitable for competition

- Lightweight and efficient

Cons of Race SUP:

- Less stable than other SUPs

- Only suitable for advanced paddlers

5. Yoga SUP

Yoga SUPs are designed with a wide and stable platform to allow paddlers to perform various yoga poses while on the water. They typically have a soft, grippy pad on top for comfort and traction during your practice. These boards are also great for general fitness or light paddling.

Pros of Yoga SUP:

- Stable and comfortable platform for yoga practice

- Great for fitness and stretching

- Can be used for light paddling

Cons of Yoga SUP:

- Not as versatile as other SUPs

- Not designed for speed or performance

6. Fishing SUP

Fishing SUPs are built with anglers in mind. They typically have extra storage compartments for tackle, coolers, or fishing rods. These boards are wider and more stable, allowing you to stand and cast comfortably while out on the water.

Pros of Fishing SUP:

- Designed for fishing

- Extra storage and mounting options

- Stable for casting

Cons of Fishing SUP:

- May not be ideal for other activities

- Can be heavier than other SUPs

7. Touring SUP

Touring SUPs are designed for long-distance paddling and expeditions. They are longer and narrower than all-around boards, making them more efficient for covering distance. These boards typically have additional storage options for gear and have a displacement hull like race boards, making them faster and more efficient in the water.

Pros of Touring SUP:

- Great for long-distance paddling

- Efficient and fast

- Additional storage options

Cons of Touring SUP:

- Less stable than all-around or yoga SUPs

- Not ideal for other activities like surfing or racing

8. Kids SUP

Kids SUPs are designed specifically for younger paddlers. They are shorter, lighter, and more stable, making them perfect for children to learn and enjoy stand-up paddleboarding. These boards are constructed from durable materials to withstand the bumps and scrapes of a beginner paddler.

Pros of Kids SUP:

- Designed for young paddlers

- Stable and easy to maneuver

- Durable construction

Cons of Kids SUP:

- Limited use as the child grows

- Not designed for advanced paddling


Choosing the right stand-up paddleboard can significantly enhance your paddling experience, whether you're a beginner or an experienced paddler. Now that you know about the different types of stand up paddleboards, you can find the perfect board tailored for your needs and preferences. Whether it's an inflatable SUP for easy storage, a race SUP for speed enthusiasts, or a fishing SUP for anglers, there's an SUP for everyone. So get out there and enjoy the water on your perfect stand-up paddleboard!

Saturday 22 April 2023

Easy Ways to Manage Your IBS Flare-Ups

IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is different for everyone. What triggers your flare-ups, for instance, is not necessarily going to trigger someone else's. That is why it’s important to take the advice around this condition into the context of your life and your symptoms. There are a hundred different avenues to explore, so it all comes down to finding the best selection for you. Here are some easy ways to manage IBS flare-ups that are all adaptable to your particular circumstances. 

Keep a Symptoms Diary

If you don’t know when your symptoms occur, you can’t adapt appropriately. Therefore, the first and most direct way to deal with those flare-ups is to have a written record of what you eat, when you eat it, and how it affects your body. Some foods will be easier on the stomach and bowels, and others will cause big side effects. So, learning what to avoid or when the best time to eat is for your day will do amazing things for your confidence and comfort. Try this out for a concentrated period, for instance, one month, and take a look at the information to find patterns and low points. This will enhance your management journey. 

Make an IBS Diet Plan

With these facts, you can move on to create an ibs flare up diet plan focused on body recomposition and alleviating the more difficult afflictions brought on by the condition. An IBS Flare Up is always made easier with a strategy, and thankfully, there are plenty of ways to figure out how to move forward and find relief. You could try a refreshing tea for ibs option or even look at a gluten free diet plan; the key is trial and error and figuring out what the magic formula is. So, a diet plan for ibs is a must and there are valuable resources to get inspiration from. 


Suggesting exercise as a way to manage IBS may seem strange, but it has been proven effective when it comes to softening the effects of a flare-up, and even preventing some major symptoms. The main advantage to finding a good workout to add to your weekly agenda is that exercise has a natural way of helping things like bloating and bowel function, while also combatting stress (a major cause behind IBS flare-ups). It doesn’t have to be anything too vigorous — yoga or swimming are perfect in this situation — and it may even become a positive healthy habit in your life. 

Try to Reduce Stress

Stress is a leading contributor to this affliction, so if you can find a way to manage it better, that would be extremely helpful in terms of your recovery and comfort levels. While there is never a magic button to push to make everything more peaceful, there are always small changes that can be made like embracing breathing exercises or being more proactive with the problem at hand which will all be helpful. 

Managing IBS flare-ups can be a taxing experience, especially when the symptoms are especially debilitating. However, it can be done and there are hundreds of ways to move forward.