Friday 23 June 2023

Budget-Savvy Answers to Parents’ Most Common Screen and Tech Questions

Photo via Unsplash

Are you worried about your kids’ relationship with screens and technology? You’re not alone! Most parents have concerns about whether allowing their children to use screens is detrimental to their well-being and costly. Still, just as many parents see screens as a way to keep kids busy while they work or rest. So, how can you strike a balance between your family and your budget? Funky Frugal Mommy suggests keeping the answers to these common screen and tech questions in mind! 

What Sort of Tech is Best for Kids and Teens? 

You may be reading this right now because you are thinking about getting your kids their very own tablets or laptops. If this is the case, know that shopping online for deals can help you save some serious bucks on those tech purchases. For instance, tablets are great options for children and teens (there are even models for very young kids). They can be used for remote learning as well as engaging with educational apps, or they can simply be a way for your child to relax after a long day at school. Plus, they’re easier for kids to haul around than most laptops.

What Are Some Top Free Apps for Kids? 

If your child has a smartphone or tablet, chances are they will be begging you to download the latest apps and games. Before you do, however, research which free apps are best for your child’s education and development. You can find apps featuring Sesame Street or other popular themes, and these apps also feature activities that encourage a love of learning for young children. Another idea is to set your children on a virtual field trip. They can explore all sorts of museums and national parks online, including the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, The Louvre, and the Smithsonian.

Do you have teens who are begging for their own smartphones? Be sure to take precautions around social media accounts and other apps to keep them safe. Set boundaries for your teens when it comes to using social media and discuss the importance of maintaining privacy settings that will help keep them safe from predators. 

Finally, don’t rule out video games for your kids. In fact, some video games have been shown to help children with memory and cognitive function, as well as with things like decision-making and problem-solving. Online games can also help kids with social skills, as they often require them to work as a team to achieve a common goal.

What Movies and TV Shows Are Best for Kids?

One of the most popular screens for your children is most likely your television. While you don’t want your children to spend endless hours watching movies and TV shows, you should know that there are some educational and entertaining programs that you can feel good about. If you are feeling tired or stressed out, let your kids veg out for a little while watching these shows and movies. Want to find ways to save money on this form of family-friendly entertainment? Consider switching to streaming services and cutting out your pricey cable bill. And while many streaming services have increased their rates, you can still reduce your expenses by cutting out cable, especially since you won’t be paying for extra channels.  

What Impacts Can Screens Have on Children? 

By now, you understand that screens aren’t necessarily evil when it comes to your children. In fact, kids are increasingly using screens in classrooms, so helping your children connect with technology at home can provide them with some serious advantages when it comes to learning. Not to mention that saving stress by allowing your kids to use screens to play educational games or watch beneficial programming is well worth the benefits to your mental health. Still, you need to be aware of the potential risks that screen time can pose for both you and your children. One such hazard is that using screens before bedtime has been shown to make it harder for both adults and children to get quality sleep. So, be sure to limit TV, phone, tablet, and laptop time to earlier hours for your entire family and keep them out of the bedrooms. 

Screens and tech don’t have to have a negative impact on your children or your budget. Especially when you use the savings-savvy tips above to manage tech costs and help manage your children’s relationship with technology.

For more great tips and advice on parenting and saving money, visit Funky Frugal Mommy today!

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